Thursday, November 07, 2013


A person who is out to destroy all government and order                                                Anarchist
Government by the people                                                                                             Democracy
One who is not sure of the existence of God                                                                  Agnostic
A medicine which prevents infection by killing germs                                                      Antiseptic
One who does something not professionally but for pleasure                                          Amateur
One who makes an official examination of accounts                                                       Auditor
Marrying more than one wife or more than one husband at a time                                   Polygamy
The state of remaining unmarried                                                                                   Celibacy
The action of bringing into completion                                                                           Consummation
To give one's authority to another                                                                                  Delegate
Study of the relation of living things to environment                                                        Ecology
The action of looking within or into one's own mind                                                       Introspection
One incapable of being tired                                                                                          Indefatigable
Work for which no salary is paid                                                                                  Honorary
One who looks at the bright side of things                                                                   Optimist
Holding established opinions                                                                                        Orthodox
Hater of women                                                                                                            Misogynist
The study of the origin and physical and cultural development of mankind              Anthropology
The science which studies the crust of the earth                                                           Geology
The first speech delivered by a person                                                                           Maiden
One who walks on foot                                                                                                  Pedestrian
One who lives on others                                                                                                 Parasite
A statement absolutely clear                                                                                          Explicit
A widespread disease affecting many people at the same time                                     Epidemic
A trade that is prohibited by law                                                                                   Gala day
A method that cannot be imitated                                                                                 Irrespressible
Remarks which do not really apply to the subject under discussion                             Inimitable
A story that can hardly be believed                                                                               Incredible
A comparison that is out of place                                                                                  Inapt
That which cannot be satisfied                                                                                       Insatiable
A remedy which never fails                                                                                            Infallible
One who is very easily made angry                                                                               Irritable
An ordinary and common place remark                                                                         Platitude
The act of violating the sanctity or destroying the property of a sacred place                   Sacrilege
To make up one's mind and change it quickly                                                                Vacillate
A person with a long experience of any occupation                                                       Veteran
A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion and hates other religions         Fanatic
One who makes calculations connected with insurance                                                  Actuary
To send out of one's native country                                                                               Exile
Notice of death, especially in a newspaper                                                                    Obituary
Opinion contrary to accepted doctrines                                                                         Heresy
Exclusive possession of the trade in some commodity                                                    Monopoly
Sole right to make and sell some invention                                                                     Patent
Person who is made to bear the balms due to others                                                      Scapegoat                Person free from national, regional prejudices                                                               Connoisseur              One who never touches alcoholic drinks                                                                       Teetotaler      

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