Monday, September 22, 2014

Directions: Some of the sentences are gramatically correct and some are incorrect. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and mark that part. If there is no error, mark that part as your answer.

1. Another baffling change1/ that I notice in him now-a-days2/ is that he avoids to speak to me.3/ No error4
2.He lay the watch on the table1/ and then forgot all about it2/ when he went out.3/ No error4
3.    While it is apparent1/ that biotechnology offers significant benefits2/ adequate attention has not been focussed to this vital area.3/ No error4
4.    There is a need1/ to revising Government policies2/ on controlling unauthorized constructions.3/ No error4
5.    If you had seen1/ yesterday’s cricket I am sure2/ would have enjoyed seeing our team bat.3/ No error/4
6.    When he will come1/ I will2/ make sure3/ I meet him.4/ No error5
7.The traveller being weary1/ he2/ sat by3/ woodside to rest.4/ No error5
8.    He did not1/ and could not have2/ understood3/ the full facts of the case4/. No error5
9.    Neither1/ Rohit nor2/ Kabir have done his3/ lesson.4/ No error5
10.    I am opposed1/ to the plan of action not because2/ it is ill concieved but that3/ it seems impractical4/. No error5
11.    He as well as you1/ is tired of2/ this long3/ and troublesome affair4/. No error5
12.    Along the1/ northern frontier of India2/ is seen3/ the Himalayas mighty in their splendour4/. No error5
13.    The recommendations of the committee1/ that the age should be lowered down2/immediately3/ was not accepted4/. No error5
14.    Each of the students whom1/ I have chosen to take part2/ in the discussion have3/ indicated that he4/ will be happy to do so. No error5
15.    Our country need1/ a number of2/ self sacrificing3/ and devoted political leaders4/. No error5.
16.    We erect1/ monuments in the memory 2/of the great lest their achievements3/might be4/ forgetten. No error5.
17.    He used rather harsh words1/ in denouncing2/ her but he must have had3/ some very strong reasons to do so4/. No error5.
18.    Since he has not1/ yet attained the age of eighteen2/, he had no right3/ to vote in the present election4/. No error5
19.    I am disappointed1/ in not having saw2/ any place while3/ I was in Delhi on vacation4/. No error5
20.    What India needs today1/ are more scientists2/ technicians3/ and planners4/. No error5
21.    No sooner did1/ the thief saw the 2/policeman than3/ he ran away4/. No error5
22.    Neither the size1/ nor the colour2/ of the gloves3/ were right4/. No error5
23.    If it was possible1/ to get near2/ where one  of these eruptions took place3/, we could have a grand sight4/. No error5
24.    Most of us are not aware1/ that2/ eating some varities3/ of mushrooms result4/ in death. No error5
25.    After1/ Nepoleon had lost2/ the battle of Waterloo in 1815, he had been 3/exiled to4/ the Island of St. Helena. No error5

1(c) say ‘speaking’ for ‘to speak’,
2(a) say ‘laid’ for ‘lay’,
3(c) use ‘on’ in place of ‘to’,
4(b) to revise, 5(e) no error,
6(a) say ‘comes’ for ‘will come’,
7(b) drop ‘he’,
8(a) Add ‘understand’ after ‘did not’, 9(c) use ‘has’, 10(c) say ‘but because’, 11(e) no error, 12(c) say ‘are seen’, 13(d) say ‘were not’, 14(c) say ‘has’, 15(a) say ‘needs’,
16(d) say ‘should be’,
17(d) say ‘for doing so’,
18(c) say ‘ he has’,
19(b) say ‘in not having seen’,
20(b) say ‘is’, 21(b) say ‘see’,
22(d) say ‘was’, 23(a) say ‘if it were possible’, 24(d) say ‘results’,
25(c) say ‘was exiled’.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

CTRL combination shortcut keys in Excel 2007( important for banking exam)

Key                                   Description
CTRL+PgUp  Switches between worksheet tabs, from left-to-right.
CTRL+PgDn  Switches between worksheet tabs, from right-to-left.
CTRL+SHIFT+(  Unhides any hidden rows within the selection.
CTRL+SHIFT+)  Unhides any hidden columns within the selection.
CTRL+SHIFT+&  Applies the outline border to the selected cells.
CTRL+SHIFT_  Removes the outline border from the selected cells.
CTRL+SHIFT+~  Applies the General number format.
CTRL+SHIFT+$  Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses).
CTRL+SHIFT+%  Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places.
CTRL+SHIFT+^  Applies the Exponential number format with two decimal places.
CTRL+SHIFT+#  Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year.
CTRL+SHIFT+@  Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.
CTRL+SHIFT+!  Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.
CTRL+SHIFT+*  Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns).

In a PivotTable, it selects the entire PivotTable report.
CTRL+SHIFT+:  Enters the current time.
CTRL+SHIFT+"  Copies the value from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar.
CTRL+SHIFT+Plus (+)  Displays the Insert dialog box to insert blank cells.
CTRL+Minus (-)  Displays the Delete dialog box to delete the selected cells.
CTRL+;  Enters the current date.
CTRL+`  Alternates between displaying cell values and displaying formulas in the worksheet.
CTRL+'  Copies a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell or the Formula Bar.
CTRL+1  Displays the Format Cells dialog box.
CTRL+2  Applies or removes bold formatting.
CTRL+3  Applies or removes italic formatting.
CTRL+4  Applies or removes underlining.
CTRL+5  Applies or removes strikethrough.
CTRL+6  Alternates between hiding objects, displaying objects, and displaying placeholders for objects.

CTRL+8  Displays or hides the outline symbols.
CTRL+9  Hides the selected rows.
CTRL+0  Hides the selected columns.
CTRL+A  Selects the entire worksheet.

If the worksheet contains data, CTRL+A selects the current region. Pressing CTRL+A a second time selects the current region and its summary rows. Pressing CTRL+A a third time selects the entire worksheet.

When the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula, displays the Function Arguments dialog box.

CTRL+SHIFT+A inserts the argument names and parentheses when the insertion point is to the right of a function name in a formula.
CTRL+B  Applies or removes bold formatting.
CTRL+C  Copies the selected cells.

CTRL+C followed by another CTRL+C displays the Clipboard.
CTRL+D  Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below.

Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab selected.

SHIFT+F5 also displays this tab, while SHIFT+F4 repeats the last Find action.

CTRL+SHIFT+F opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected.
CTRL+G  Displays the Go To dialog box.

F5 also displays this dialog box.
CTRL+H  Displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Replace tab selected.
CTRL+I  Applies or removes italic formatting.
CTRL+K  Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box for selected existing hyperlinks.
CTRL+N  Creates a new, blank workbook.
CTRL+O  Displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file.

CTRL+SHIFT+O selects all cells that contain comments.
CTRL+P  Displays the Print dialog box.

CTRL+SHIFT+P opens the Format Cells dialog box with the Font tab selected.
CTRL+R  Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells to the right.
CTRL+S  Saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format.
CTRL+T  Displays the Create Table dialog box.

Applies or removes underlining.

CTRL+SHIFT+U switches between expanding and collapsing of the formula bar.

Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents.

CTRL+ALT+V displays the Paste Special dialog box. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents on a worksheet or in another program.
CTRL+W  Closes the selected workbook window.
CTRL+X  Cuts the selected cells.
CTRL+Y  Repeats the last command or action, if possible.
CTRL+Z  Uses the Undo command to reverse the last command or to delete the last entry that you typed.

CTRL+SHIFT+Z uses the Undo or Redo command to reverse or restore the last automatic correction when AutoCorrect Smart Tags are displayed.

Top of Page Top of Page
Function keys
Key  Description
F1  Displays the Microsoft Office Excel Help task pane.

CTRL+F1 displays or hides the Ribbon, a component of the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface.

ALT+F1 creates a chart of the data in the current range.

ALT+SHIFT+F1 inserts a new worksheet.
F2  Edits the active cell and positions the insertion point at the end of the cell contents. It also moves the insertion point into the Formula Bar when editing in a cell is turned off.

SHIFT+F2 adds or edits a cell comment.

CTRL+F2 displays the Print Preview window.
F3  Displays the Paste Name dialog box.

SHIFT+F3 displays the Insert Function dialog box.
F4  Repeats the last command or action, if possible.

When a cell reference or range is selected in a formula, F4 cycles through the various combinations of absolute and relative references.

CTRL+F4 closes the selected workbook window.
F5  Displays the Go To dialog box.

CTRL+F5 restores the window size of the selected workbook window.
F6  Switches between the worksheet, Ribbon, task pane, and Zoom controls. In a worksheet that has been split (View menu, Manage This Window, Freeze Panes, Split Window command), F6 includes the split panes when switching between panes and the Ribbon area.

SHIFT+F6 switches between the worksheet, Zoom controls, task pane, and Ribbon.

CTRL+F6 switches to the next workbook window when more than one workbook window is open.
F7  Displays the Spelling dialog box to check spelling in the active worksheet or selected range.

CTRL+F7 performs the Move command on the workbook window when it is not maximized. Use the arrow keys to move the window, and when finished press ENTER, or ESC to cancel.
F8  Turns extend mode on or off. In extend mode, Extended Selection appears in the status line, and the arrow keys extend the selection.

SHIFT+F8 enables you to add a nonadjacent cell or range to a selection of cells by using the arrow keys.

CTRL+F8 performs the Size command (on the Control menu for the workbook window) when a workbook is not maximized.

ALT+F8 displays the Macro dialog box to create, run, edit, or delete a macro.
F9  calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks.

SHIFT+F9 calculates the active worksheet.

CTRL+ALT+F9 calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation.

CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F9 rechecks dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated.

CTRL+F9 minimizes a workbook window to an icon.
F10  Turns key tips on or off.

SHIFT+F10 displays the shortcut menu for a selected item.

ALT+SHIFT+F10 displays the menu or message for a smart tag. If more than one smart tag is present, it switches to the next smart tag and displays its menu or message.

CTRL+F10 maximizes or restores the selected workbook window.
F11  Creates a chart of the data in the current range.

SHIFT+F11 inserts a new worksheet.

ALT+F11 opens the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor, in which you can create a macro by using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
F12  Displays the Save As dialog box.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Those candidates who are preparing for SSC CGL must start their preparation after notification. If they prepare well between notification publication and Preliminary exam, then they can easily Qualify. And if they worked harder, then they might get better marks. The candidates should prepare according to SSC CGL SYLLABUS given here for better preparation.
1. General Intelligence and Reasoning:
This section is based on Questions from  Series (number, figurative), similarities and differences, analogy, space visualization. Spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgement. Decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation. Direction sense test, Blood relations, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification. Arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding. Statement conclusion, syllogism in reasoning etc. The topics are Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy. Figural Analogy, Ranking test, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification. Figural Classification, Input-Output questions, Problem Solving, Word Building, Seating arrangement, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations. Questions on Dies, Clock, Calender. Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams. Drawing inferences, folding & un-folding of Punched hole/pattern. Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching. Date & city matching, Classification of centre codes/roll numbers. Small & Capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification. Embedded Figures, Critical thinking. Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence etc.
2. English Language:
Through this section, a candidate's ability to understand and correct English etc. would be tested.
Questions on Fill in the Blanks, Idioms & Phrases, Jumbled sentences (ordering), One word substitution. Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words, Common errors, sentence improvement, Passage, Cloze test are asked.
3. Quantitative Aptitude (Q.A.): 
This section is based on questions on Percentages. Ratio & Proportion. Square and cube roots. Surds and indices. Lcm and hcf, Averages, Age problems. Simple interest and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership. Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Boat and Streams, Pipes and Cisterns. Numbers, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Heights and Distances.
Divisions and Remainders, decimals ,fractions and relationships between numbers. Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangles (centres, congruence, similarity), In circles and circum-circle. Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons. Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone. Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelopiped.
Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio. Degree and Radian Measures, Circle and its chords. tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle. common tangents to two or more circles, Standard Identities. Complementary angles, Heights and Distances. Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.
 4. General Awareness (G.A. Syllabus):
Tier 1 Syllabus of SSC CGL 2014-General Awareness will have questions on current events, India and its neighbouring countries. Also questions from History. Geography, Economic Scene,Culture, General Policy & Scientific Research are asked. Scientific research includes physics, chemistry and Biology. 
Paper-1 : Quantitative Ability : 
The paper will have questions based on Number Systems. Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Ratio and Proportion. Allegation and Mixture, Average, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount. relationship between Numbers, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations. Percentage, , Use of Table and Graphs, charts, Time and Distance. Time and work, Trigonometry, Geometry, roots, lcm and hcf, surds and indices (most of the topics same as tier 1 but higher difficulty level).
Paper-2 : English Language & Comprehsion :
Complete syllabus of English is below:
Spot the error, questions on filling blanks, synonyms and antonyms, spelling error detection,  shuffling of sentence parts.  Comprehension passages, idioms & phrases, 1 word substitution. Sentence improvement, active & passive voices, Narration.
Paper-3 :
Statistics for Investigator Grade-II, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation & Compiler in RGI.
Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis, Correlation and Regression. Collection Classification and Presentation of Statistical Data, Measures of Central Tendency. Measures of Dispersion, Probability Theory, Time Series Analysis. Index Numbers, Random Variable and Probability Distributions. Sampling Theory, Analysis of Variance, Statistical Inference.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The questions in Paper 1 of exam will be of 10th class level, Paper-II of 10+2 level and Paper-III of graduation level.
Marks for Interview cum Personality Test (except non-interview posts)- 100 marks.
Skill Test is conducted for tax assistant posts in Central Excise & Income Tax. CPT is conducted for Assistants in CSS.
Data Entry Speed Test (DEST): speed of data entry must be 8,000 Key Depression/hr. on Computer.
Data Entry Speed Skill Test at 2000 key depressions in 15 min will be tested and candidates will have to qualify it as it will be of qualifying nature.
NOTE: Tier-I examination is for screening the candidates for Tier-II examination for various papers. Marks of Tier 1 will be counted in final selection.
SSC CGL 2014 Exam Pattern
It consists of 4 sections in a single paper. It is conducted for sorting out candidates.
Subject Name-Maximum Marks-Questions
1. General Intelligence and Reasoning
2. Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
3. General Awareness (GA)
4. English
All sections carry 50 marks and 50 questions. One mark for each right question and 0.25 negative marks to wrong answer(s). Total time given is 2 hours (40 minutes extra for VH candidates).

SSC CGL 2014 Tier II Exam Pattern: 
it consist of 3 papers. Every candidate has to give two paper out of 3.
Paper 1. Arithmetical Ability (For All posts other than SI in CPOs). 100 questions are asked carrying 200 marks. 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.
Paper 2. English Language and comprehension test (All Posts). 200 questions are asked in this section carrying 200 marks. 0.25 marks for each wrong answer given by candidate.
Paper 3. Mathematics/ Statistics/ Economics/ Commerce (for Compiler/ Statistical/ Investigators posts). It has 100 questions carrying 200 marks and 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.
Time allowed for each paper is 2 hours.