Tuesday, May 21, 2013

attempt these Questions and rate yourself

Directions (Q.1-2) study the following paragraphs and answer the following questions.
We are living in the midst of a great chemical experiment, and some serious consequences are becoming apparent to the scientists. More than two billion pounds of chemicals are spewed into the air each year which are brewing a disastrous stew. The   greatest consequences of the atmosphere crisis may be global warming and the ozone depletion. The earth appears to be warming due to the greenhouse effect. Scientists estimates that average temperature could climb about 20C in 20 year. Global warming is the predicted result of the greenhouse effect, created by the greenhouse gases. such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the atmosphere. This change in the global climate would have disastrous results, including drought, coastal flooding and increased species extinction. Also the scientists have discovered a hole in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is the only protection for life on Earth against deadly ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Once the ozone layer is completely destroyed all life on earth will cease to exist, killed by the deadly radiations. The planet will become a barren rock devoid of whole life. And when this happens   the process of industrialization would have to take the blame which has resulted in increased use of fossil fuels.
1.                Which of the following can be inferred from the given passage?
(A)   The use of all chemical products should be immediately stopped.
(B)   Scientists will have a hard time to estimate the rate of change of temperature in the years to come due to enormous changes in the environment.
(C)   The environmental disaster in future will happen as a result of increased usage of fossil fuels.
(1)    Only A
(2)    Only C
(3)    Both A and c
(4)    Both B and C
(5)    None of above
2.                Which of the following best explains the usage of phrase ‘brewing a disastrous stew’?
(1)    The continuous rise in Earth‘s temperature has been proved to be very dangerous.
(2)    Lack of efforts to curb the greenhouse effects would degrade the environment in the near future.
(3)    The harmful ultraviolet radiations are slowly destroying the life on the Earth.
(4)    The fraternity of scientists has been opposing the process of industrialization.
(5)    The increased discharge of chemicals in the air is resulting in an atmosphere crisis.

Directions (Q.3-4) study the following paragraphs and answer the following questions.
Fashion has become one of the fads among the youth. The amount of time wastage and expenditure on fashion is very large .What bothers however is the fact that fashion is here to stay despite countless arguments against it. What is required therefore is that strong efforts should be made in order to displace the excessive craze of fashion from the minds of today’s youth.
3.                   Which of the following statements finds least support by the argument made by the author in the given paragraph?
(1)    Youngster should be motivated to do constructive business rather than wasting time in fashion.
(2)    The world of fashion being glamorous and glittery attracts people towards itself.
(3)     Following latest fashion increases the self efficacy of people thus increasing their overall mental abilities.
(4)    Many Universities have implemented the dress code to put a check on the increasing fad amongst the youth which was affecting their grades.
(5)    None of these
4.                   Which of the following can be inferred from the given paragraph?
(1)    The author has made strong effort to wipe out fashion from the mind of youths.
(2)    Steps need to be taken in order to control the growing fad of fashion amongst the youth.
(3)    The author is upset with the shift of fashion from the traditional ethnic  wear to western outfits
(4)    Fashion world is responsible for the lack of creativity amongst the youth.
(5)    None of these
Directions (Q.5-6) Study the following paragraph and answer the given questions.
The government cannot afford to compartmentalize education. It has to be emphasized that any country which doesn’t   have a good university education will never be listed as an independent country and will never be able to progress. Only countries prepared to tolerate a second rate and subjugate status in the world would neglect higher education. If India has had any position in the comity of the nations in pasts it was only because it had a better higher education than its many Asian counterparts. This, clear emphasis on the higher education, however, does not imply that it should be supported and developed at the cost of primary and secondary education.
5.                   Which of the following best explains the main idea of the paragraph?
(1)    The government has made a wrong move in compartmentalizing education.
(2)    To highlight the superiority of India in higher education as compared to the rest of the world.
(3)    To emphasize more on primary education rather than higher education.
(4)    Higher education is important for the growth of a country.
(5)    None of these
6.                   Which of the following is the most likely of the bigger passage (having the same main idea as that of the given paragraph) in which this idea might have appeared?
(1)    Education: a fundamental right of every child
(2)    Indian education – an unfortunate neglect of the primary education
(3)    Lack of higher education opportunities in India
(4)    A comparison of higher education in India with that of west
(5)    Importance of higher education in growth of a country.
Directions (Q.5-6) study the following paragraphs and answer the following questions.
Although an eco friendly process and one of the main ways to save the environment, recycling is not gaining pace in the industry. The process of recycling undergoes many processes. First is collecting and sorting of garbage. This requires a lot of manpower and tools which are expensive. Another disadvantage of recycling which makes it unviable is that for the manufacturers, economically, the recycled material is not highly demanded since its quality is not as good as the original material. So, if the marketing of recycled goods is not worthwhile then the whole process of the recycling cannot be economically efficient. Recycled products face other disadvantages as well, such as short self life, difficulty in de-linking the dyed products and less durability etc.

Direction (Q. 1-5) The following questions consist of a single sentence with a blank only. You are given six words denoted by A, B, C, D, E and F as answers choices and from the six choices you have to pick two correct answers, either of which will make sentence meaningfully complete.
1.                   ______ before the clock struck 8 on Saturday night, India gate was swamped with people wearing black tee-shirts and holding candles.
(A)Minutes                         (B) Time               (C) Later               (D) quickly           (E) since               (F) seconds
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(1)    (B and (E)            (2) (A) and (C)                   (3) (A) and (F)                    (4)  (B) and (D)                  (5) (C) and (E)
2.                   The state should take steps to ___ the process of teachers’ appointments as the centre has already sactioned six lakhs posts.
(A)   Fasten                          (B) Move             (C)  Hasten          (D) Speed            (E) Early                (F) Quicken
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(1)    (D) and (F)          (2) (A) and (C)                   (3) (C) and (F)                    (4)  (D) and (E)                   (5) (B) and (D)
3.                   A senior citizen’s son _____ threatened her everyday physically harmed her  ,forcing her to transfer her property to    him.
(A)   Superficially                (B) Mistakenly   (C) Allegedly      (D) Miserably     (E)  Doubtfully   (F) Purportedly
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(1)    (C) and (F)           (2) (A) and (E)                    (3) (C) and (E)                    (4) (D) and (F)                    (5) (A) and (C)
4.                   Medical teacher said that the management had continued tom remain ___to their cause leading to the stretching of their strike.
(A)   Unmoved    (B) lethargic        (C) unconcerned              (D)Unconcerned              (E)   indifferent (F) bored
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(1)    (B) and (C)          (2) (C) and (F)    (3) (A) and (E)                    (4) (A) and (D)                   (5) (D) and (E)
5.                   The parents had approached the High Court to ____ the government order after their children, who passed UKG were denied admission in their school.
(A)       Void           (B) quash             (C) annul              (D) stay                                (E) lift                    (F) Post
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
(1)    (A) and (D)          (2) (B) and (C)                    (3) (C) and (E)                    (4) (E) and (F)                    (5)(C) and (D)
Direction (Q. 6-105)  In each of the following questions,a short passage is given with one of the lines in the passage missing and represented by a blank.Select the best out of the five answer choices given,to make the passage complete and coherent.
6.            Women’s rights around the world are an important indicator to understand global well being. A global women’s rights treaty was ratified by the majority of the world’s nations a few decades ago. These range from the cultural, political to the economic .For example women often work more than men, yet are paid less; gender discrimination affects girls and women throughout their lifetime;  and women and girls are often the ones that suffer the most poverty. Many may think that women’s right are only an issue in countries where religion is law. Or even worse some may think this is no longer an issue at all. But reading a report about United Nation’s women’s treaty and how an increasing number of countries are lodging reservations will show otherwise. Gender equality furthers the cause of child survival and development for all of the society, so the importance of the women’s right and gender equality should not be underestimated.
(1) This treaty tackled and solved a number of issues related to women.
(2)  Why is it then that women still face a number of problems on the domestic front.
(3)  Thus the women today is ten times more empowered as compared to a women say about a decade ago.
(4)  Women’s activists across nations have implored the respective governments to take this seriously.
(5) Yet, despite many successes in empowering women, numerous issues still exist in all areas of life.
7.            Research has shown that air pollutants from fossil fuels use make clouds reflects more of the sun’s rays  back into space .This leads to an effect known as global dimming whereby less heat and energy reaches the earth_________. However it is believed that global dimming caused the droughts in certain parts of the world where millions died, because the northern hemisphere oceans were not warm enough to allow rain formation. Global dimming is also hiding the true power of global warming. By cleaning up global dimming –causing pollutants without tackling greenhouse gas, emissions, rapid warming has been observed and various human health and ecological disasters have resulted as witnessed during the European heat wave in 2003 which saw thousands of people die.
(1)  This though does not bring any relief in the problems associated with climate change.
(2)  This phenomenon is thus part of the climate change problem.
(3)  Scientists thus believe that this phenomenon goes hand in hand with global warming.
(4)  At first it sounds like an ironic savior to climatic change problems.
(5)  The answer to all our problems with respect to climate change is definitely here.
8.            Poverty is the state of majority of world's people and nations. Why is this? __ Have they been lazy, made poor decisions, and been solely responsible for their own plight? What about their governments? Have they pursued policies that actually harm successful development? Such causes of poverty and inequality are no doubt real. But deeper and more global causes of poverty are often less discussed. Behind the increasing inter-connectedness promised by globalisation are global decisions, policies and practices. These are typically influenced, driven or formulated by the rich and powerful. These can be leaders of rich countries or other global actors such as multinational corporations, institutions and influential people. In the face of such enormous external influence, the governments of poor nations and their people are often powerless. As a result, in the global context, a few get wealthy while the majority struggles.
I) Is it enough to blame poor people for their own predicament?
2) What is the government doing about it?
3) Are the wealthy ones in the nation even aware of this?
4) The government has already taken measures to eradicate the same.
5) The huge gap between the rich and the poor in the nation is now narrowing.

9.            Next to China, India is the most populated country in the world. _____Particularly, rush to technical and higher education has increased as the scope for arts and science .has become lesser and lesser due to lack of reforms and upgradation in the course structure and materials according to the developments of the world. Also, qualification in higher education gives added advantage to face competition successfully in the job market.
1) Keeping this in mind, the government has provided concessions in the admission fees for the arts and science streams in the country.
2) Naturally, there is too much rush arid competition in every field.
3) Despite this the rush to higher education is lesser.
4) This population increase, though, has not kept pace with the knowledge expansion around the world.
5) In the next decade, it will become the most populous.
10.          Analysts and industry pundits forecast that the notebook market which has been growing faster than the desktop market for the past three years is expected to overtake the desktop market by the year 2011-12. A fall in prices, large deals from governments and institutions and demand from consumers and sectors such as education are expected to help the notebook numbers. According to research agencies, the year 2010-11 saw notebook volumes rise and for the first time, a million-plus notebooks were sold in India in a single quarter. The market has grown nearly four times for notebooks. The demand is driven by all sectors and a very buoyant consumer market, which prefers mobile computers. Entry-level notebook prices have dropped below the Rs. 25,000 mark; this has helped break the ice with new customers. This drop in notebook prices has been helped by the drop in the prices of the building blocks that make a notebook. It's simple. With notebook volumes growing, the prices of the components are also bound to come down. ________
I) All this has resulted in a noticeable change in a number of large government tenders for notebooks; which were traditionally for desktops.
2) Because of this the government still prefers desktops to notebooks and has passed tenders for the same.
3) Thereby making them more expensive.
4) Thus, the forecast for the coming year states that desktops will be the preferred technology choice only for consumers who cannot afford the exorbitantly priced notebooks.
5) Thus, notebooks will become obsolete after a decade or so.
Directions (Q. 11-15): Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each statement should be placed in the blank space provided so as to make a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence? If none of the sentences is appropriate, mark (5) as the answer.

11.          Although information technology has entered the homes offices and hearts of many citizens of  India,___
(1)    India provides the highest number of IT experts to the world every year
(2)    many people in rural areas still remain ignorant of its immense benefits
(3)    government has done its best by funding research in this field appropriately
(4)    the face of communication in theyears to come would change completely from the bygone years
(5)    None of these
12.          While the environment-friendly nuclear energy could make a large addition to the energy resources,-----------               
(1) experts have a lot of expectations from this cleaner method of producing energy
(2)  the government is determined to extract maximum out of this technology in the near future
(3)  International lobby has been pressurizing the developing nations to shift their energy production from coal to nuclear power.
(4)  the problem of locating adequate numbers of uranium reserves to run the reactors is yet to be sorted out
(5)  None of these
13.          ---------, experts proposed the idea of a common school system.
(1)  Overlooking the fundamental right of quality education of every child in India
(2)  Since the auricular requirements of a rural child is different from an urban child
(3)  Based on the fact that difference in the quality of schools acts as a ground for discrimination
(4) Since a large percentage of Indian children are getting free education
(5)  None of these
14.          --------- the soil today is nowhere as rich in native minerals as it used to be some centuries ago.             
(1)  As there is a growing consent among farmers regarding limiting the use of chemical fertilizers
(2)  As the chemical inputs in agriculture improved the yield many folds
(3)  Owing to the uninhibited use of chemical inputs in agriculture
(4)  Awareness among farmers regarding the side-effects of chemical farming grew when
(5)None of these
15.          As allegations of crores of rupees changing hands to permit illegal mining began to fly thick and fast,--------   
(1)  government ordered an enquiry which exposed a nexus between mine operators and bureaucrats
(2)  it caused great damage to the surrounding ecosystem and the environment in general
(3)  the officials have been irresponsible in failing to bring it to the notice of the court in time
(4)  the powerful mining lobby had bribed the officials to obtain permit for mining on ecologically sensitive land
(5)  None of these
Directions (Q. 16-20): In each of the given sentences, select the sentence which would either follow or precede the given sentence in grammatically and conceptually appropriate manner. The instruction is given at the end of every statement

16.  Unfortunately, however, these slum dwellers are looked upon by the society as an appendix causing ills in the urban society.
Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence?
(1)    Health officials have been warning the government against the transmission of contagious diseases from the slum areas to other parts of the city
(2)    Slum dwellers not only play a significant role in urban economy but also provide cheap labour for everyday work of the cities
(3)    A recent report suggested that 34 per cent of government land is illegally occupied by the slum dwellers.
(4)    The slum dwellers live in sub-human, unhygienic conditions in their tiny shanties and are very often hubs for criminal activities
(5)    None of these
17.  However, since the beginning of the nineties, free market forces have been allowed to play for ensuring all-round development in Indian markets as well.
Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence?
(1)  Entry of various market forces increased the competition faced by the indigenous organisations manifold.
(2)The severe shortage of newest technology and products in the late 1980s ended with the entry of foreign players in     the Indian market.
(3)  major roadblock faced by the foreign investors was the poor infrastructural facilities which was however overtaken by the prospects seen in the huge market.
(4)  India had been following a very selective and conservative economic policy during the late 1980s.
(5)  None of these
18.  That was mainly because only two per cent of the total farmers could actually comprehend the lengthy procedures to obtain the loan and be benefited from it.
Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence?
(1)  Many money lenders have been making the most out of this situation and providing loans to the rest of the farmers at inflated prices
(2)  There is thus an urgent need to make the schemes and policy as simple and farmer-friendly as possible
(3)  A new loan scheme started by the government a couple of months ago proved to be a huge failure and "tterly unpopular among the farmers
(4)  This situation can be improved by providing mediators to carry out a follow-up of the lengthy official procedure for the farmers.
(5)  None of these
19.  The foreign embassy has put forward a demand to the government that prosecution may be carried out on a foreign land and not in the gauntry to which the terrorists belong.
Which of the following sentences would immediately follow the above sentence?
(1)  Army arrested the terrorists responsible for kidnapping four foreign tourists after a daylong operation.
(2)  The foreign ministry has offered all possible help to the government for hunting down the terrorists involved in it.
(3)  Government has politely declined the request to handover the. arrested terrorists for prosecution outside the country.
(4)  The arrested terrorists were sentenced to life imprisonment after being prosecuted by a panel of international judges.
(5)  None of these
20.  This is because most of the institutes for higher learning lack the basic infrastructure, trained staff and equipment necessary for the physically challenged.
Which of the following sentences would immediately precede the above sentence?
(1)    Many physically challenged people have been performing as well as other students-perform in their studies.
(2)    The percentage of illiterate, physically challenged people in rural areas is considerably more than that in the urban areas.
(3)    According to a recent survey, only two out of nearly 200 universities in India have adequate number of books in Braille.
(4)    Although government has been making many provisions to improve higher education in India, no attention has been paid to the education of the physically challenged students.
(5)    None of these
Directions (Q. 21-25): Which of the phrases 1), 2), 3) and 4) given below each statement should be placed in the blank space provided so as to make a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence? If none of the sentences is appropriate, mark 5), ie 'None of these', as the answer.

21.          Overlooking the fact that water scarcity intensifies during summer,_______.
(1)    the government issued guidelines to all builders to limit their consumption to acceptable limits
(2)    provision for rainwater harvesting has been made to aid irrigation in drought-prone areas
(3)    the water table did not improve even after receiving normal monsoon in the current year
(4)    many residential areas continue to use swimming pools, wasting large quantities of water
(5)    None of these
22.          Refuting the rationale behind frequent agitations for formation of separate States, a recent report _______.
(1)  proved that such agitations result in loss of governmental property
(2)  indicated that the formation of small states does not necessarily improve the economy
(3)  suggested that only large-scale agitations have been effective in bringing out desired change in the past
(4)  recommended dividing large States into smaller ones to improve governance
(5)  None of these
23.          Achieving equality for women is not only a laudable goal, _______.
(1)  political reforms are also neglected preventing women from entering legislatures and positions of powe
(2)  the problem is also deep-rooted in the society and supported by it
(3)  their empowerment is purposefully hampered by people with vested interests in all sections of the society
(4)  it is also equally difficult to achieve and maintain for
(5)  None of these
24.          He has lost most of his life's earning in the stock market but_______.
(1)  he still seems to be leading his life luxuriously and extravagantly
(2)  he could not save enough to repay his enormous debts
(3)  stock market is not a safe option to invest money unless done with caution
(4)  experts have been suggesting to avoid investments in stock market because of its unpredictable nature
(5)  None of these
_______or else they would not keep electing him year after year.
(1)    The party leader gave a strong message to the mayor for improving his political style
(2)    Owing to numerous scandals against the mayor, he was told to resign from the post immediately
(3)    The mayor threatened the residents against filing a complaint against him
(4)    The residents must really be impressed with the political style of their mayor
(5)    None of these



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