Sunday, May 04, 2014


The last two steps that the CPU performs on each instruction are called executiontime or __________.
v I-time
v E-time

Thecombination of I-time and E-time is called the __________.
v instruction set
v machine cycle

Whichsystems can interpret sustained speech so that users can speak almost normally?
v Continuous word
v Instant word
v Discrete word
v Virtual word

Digitalphotographs are composed of:
v Points.
v Pixels.
v Frames.
v Digits.

Digitalvideo consists of a series of:
v Media clips.
v Captures.
v Frames.
v Pictures.

Thenumber of times an electron beam refreshes a CRT screen is called the:
v Pulse rate.
v Image rate.
v Scan rate.
v CRT rate.

Thegraphics standard most commonly used today is:
v LCD.
v RGB.
v VGA.

Anew class of displays based on flat panel technology is called:
v Passive matrix.
v Smart displays.
v Active matrix.
v Liquid crystal display.

 This printer places an image on a page withoutphysically touching the page.
v Line printer
v Impact printer
v Non-impact printer
v Dot-matrix printer

Aset of rules designed for connecting musical instruments, synthesizers, andcomputers is:
v TFT.
v POS.
v COM.

Acombination of input and output devices designed to capture retail sales dataat the point where the transaction takes place is a:
v Kiosk
v Dumb terminal
v Point-of-sale (POS) terminal

Thissystem integrates CAD/CAM and the entire manufacturing process.
v Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM)
v Project scheduling
v Materials management
v Production control

A__________ usually has one or more buttons or other mechanisms to indicate theaction to take once the pointer has been positioned in the desired location.
v pointing device
v peripheral device

The__________ is a variation on the mechanical mouse.
v trackball
v stylus

__________use touch screens to provide information and services to the public.
v Kiosks
v ATMs

 __________ Automation eliminates keying,thereby reducing costs and opportunities for human-introduced mistakes.
v Source data
v Original data

 __________ involves using a machine to readcharacters made of magnetized particles.

 __________ Systems use a light beam to scaninput data and convert it into electrical signals, which are sent to thecomputer for processing.
v Image recognition
v Optical recognition

 A __________ typically scans one sheet at atime, though some offer an attachment for scanning multiple sheets.
v Sheet fed scanner
v Flatbed scanner

Opticalmark recognition (OMR) is sometimes called __________ because a machine sensesmarks on a piece of paper.
v mark sensing
v light sensing

__________is an inexpensive and remarkably reliable way to get data into a computer.
v Bar coding
v Voice coding

 __________ Devices accept the spoken word througha microphone and convert it into binary code (0s and 1s) that can be understoodby the computer.
v Speech recognition
v Handwriting recognition

Whichof the following is a benefit of secondary storage?
v It is permanent.
v It is valid.
v It is problem-free.
v It is reliable.

Whichof the following items are magnetic media?
v Microfiche
v Microfilm
v Hard disks
v Optical disks

Whatis the capacity of the newest Iomega Zip drive?
v 550 MB
v 750 MB
v 600 MB
v 200 MB

Redundantarray of independent disks (RAID) __________
v Uses a group of two or more hard disks that work together as aunit
v is an inexpensive technology
v is completely safe
v Uses a group of floppy diskettes

Whatis the name for a fixed number of adjacent sectors that are treated as a unitof storage by the operating system?
v Cylinder
v Cluster
v Zone
v Block

Thetime needed to access data directly on a disk is called __________.
v Access speed
v Access time
v Run time
v Head speed

Thesedevices store data using laser beam technology.
v Optical disks
v Audio disks
v Scanners
v Hard disks

Adisk device in which a computer can go directly to the desired record on thedisk is called a(n) __________.
v Index file access device
v Randomizing access device
v Direct-access storage device (DASD)
v Sequential file access device

Atechnique in which transactions are collected into groups is called __________.
v sequential processing
v online processing
v batch processing
v update processing

Namethe technique of processing transactions in random order.
v Transaction processing
v Batch processing
v Offline processing
v Sequential file processing

Abank may use __________ processing to check your balance and individuallyrecord your cash withdrawal transaction during the day at the teller window orATM.
v Batch
v Transaction

__________Means that a transaction is processed fast enough for the result to come backand be acted upon right away.
v Real-time processing
v Records processing

A__________ file contains data that must be updated as transactions occur.
v transaction
v master

__________organization stores records in a file in sequential order, but the file alsocontains an index of keys.
v Random file
v Indexed file

A__________ disk is a rigid platter coated with magnetic oxide that can bemagnetized to represent data.
v floppy
v hard

Ona hard disk that has multiple platters, a __________ consists of the track oneach surface that is beneath the read/write head at a given position of theread/write arms.
v cylinder
v cluster

Thedata __________ rate, which tells how fast data can be transferred once it hasbeen found, is usually stated in terms of megabytes of data per second.
v access
v transfer

 __________ uses an area of memory totemporarily store data from disk that the program might need soon.
v Disk caching
v Data transferring

__________is a set of widely accepted video compression standards.

 __________ has a large storage capacity, up to17 GB if both layers and both sides are used.

Computersystems that transmit data over communications lines, such as telephone linesor cables are:
v Data communications systems
v Data network
v Home-based systems
v Centralized data systems

Thismethod places all processing, hardware, and software in one central location.
v Wide area data processing
v Centralized data processing
v Distributed data processing
v Network data processing

Thisprocessing method allows both remote access and remote processing.
v Distributed data processing
v Centralized data processing
v Digital transmission
v Analog transmission

Acomputer system that uses communications equipment to connect two or morecomputers and their resources is a:
v hub.
v bridge.
v network.
v router.

Theprotocol that makes Internet universality possible is:
v WAN.
v FEP.

Anetwork of personal computers that share hardware, software, and data is calleda:
v Local area network (LAN)
v Wide area network (WAN)
v Metropolitan area network (MAN).
v Plain old telephone service (POTS).

Anetwork of geographically distant computers and terminals is called a:
v Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
v Metropolitan area network (MAN).
v Wide area network (WAN)
v Local area network (LAN)

Inthis network arrangement, all computers have equal status.
v Client-to-client
v Client/server
v Token ring
v Peer-to-peer

Thissystem allows workers to transmit messages to other people’s computers.
v E-mail
v Videoconferencing
v Teleconferencing
v Chatting

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