SBI PO Notification 2015
has been just released and there are some changes in the current year’s SBI PO
paper pattern with the introduction of Preliminary Phase consisting of 100 questions
and 1 hour duration. We are here to guide you regarding the minor
modifications that SBI has adopted this year. Go through the article and write
to us in case of further clarification:
Total Vacancies
SC: 308
ST: 339
OBC: 541
GEN: 812
Total: 2000
Vacancies for PWD
OH: 38
VH: 24
Total: 62
Vacancies reserved for
OBC category are available to OBC Candidates belonging to ‘Non- creamy layer’.
‘Creamy layer’ OBC candidates should indicate their category as ‘General’.
Vacancies for OH & VH
category candidates are reserved horizontally. Vacancies including reserved
vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the requirements of Bank.
Important Dates:
Commencement of online
registration of application: 13th April 2015
Last date of applying
online: 2nd May 2015
Last date for printing
your application: 17th May 2015
Online Fee Payment: 13th
April to 2nd May 2015
Exam Date: Tentatively in
June 2015
Selection Process:
The student have to go
through a Preliminary Phase which would be Phase I, the students who would be
qualifying for the same would be eligible for the further rounds.
The sections included in
the Phase I (Preliminary Phase) are as follows:
English Language: 30 questions:
30 marks
Quantitative Aptitude: 35
questions: 35 marks
Reasoning Ability: 35
questions: 35 marks
Total time of the test
will be 60 mins.
Candidates have to
qualify in each of the three tests by securing passing marks to be decided by
the Bank. Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Bank
(approximately 20 times the numbers of vacancies subject to availability) will
be short listed for the Main Examination.
Candidates who have
successfully completed the Phase I would be going ahead with Phase II, the
following are the details for the same.
Phase – II:
Main Examination will
consist of Objective Tests for 200 marks and Descriptive Test for 50 marks.
Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests will be online. Candidates will have
to answer Descriptive test by typing on the computer. Immediately after
completion of Objective Test, Descriptive Test will be administered.
(i) Objective
Test: The Objective Test of 2 hour duration consists of 4 Sections
with 50 marks each (Total 200 marks) as follows:
- a) Test of English
Language (Grammar, Vocabulary, Comprehension etc.)
- b) Test of
General Awareness, Marketing & Computers
- c) Test of Data
Analysis & Interpretation
- d) Test of
Reasoning (High Level)
The candidates are
required to qualify in each of the Tests by securing passing marks, to be
decided by the Bank.
(ii) Descriptive
Test: The Descriptive Test of 1 hour duration with 50 marks will be a
Test of English Language (Letter Writing & Essay).
The candidates are
required to qualify in the Descriptive Test by securing passing marks, to be
decided by the Bank.
Phase – III: It
will consist of Group Discussion (20 marks) & Interview (30 marks)
The aggregate marks of
both Objective Test and Descriptive Test will be taken, and arranged in the
descending order in each category. Adequate number of candidates in each
category, as decided by the Bank will be called for Group Discussion and
Interview. The qualifying marks in Group Discussion & Interview will be as
decided by the Bank.
Final Selection
The marks obtained in the
Preliminary Examination (Phase-I) will not be added for the selection and only
the marks obtained in Main Examination (Phase-II) will be added to the marks
obtained in GD & Interview (Phase-III) for preparation of the final merit
The candidates will have
to qualify both in Phase-II and Phase-III separately. Marks secured by the
candidates in the Written Test (out of 250 marks) are converted to out of 75
and marks secured in Group Discussion & Interview (out of 50 marks) are
converted to out of 25. The final merit list is arrived at after aggregating
converted marks of Written Test and Group Discussion & Interview out of 100
for each category. The selection will be made from the top merit ranked
candidates in each category.
Results of the candidates
who have qualified for GD & Interview and the list of candidates finally
selected will be made available on the Bank’s website. Final select list will
be published in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar.
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