Saturday, August 15, 2015

Vocabulary test comprises the major portion of English section of the various competitive exams specially banking exams. This covers synonyms, antonyms, idioms, one word substitution etc. There is no shortcut to this part. The more you remember the words, the more correct is your answers. So, without wasting a single minute, let us start practicing. The sets comprising complex and frequently asked words. You understand those words and try to use in your daily life. This will help you to remember for longer duration.

Practice set 1

(1) Subterfuge – a trick of achieving something especially to avoid a difficult situation. Suppose you are standing in a queue but you know that you will never reach to the counter. You fall out and tell other person that I am a media person. Using this method you reached to the counter. So, this was subterfuge. Synonyms – artifice, pretence, sophistry

(2) Efficacious – producing the desired result, effective. Suppose you have countered such a situation that you have to either fight or die, then it will be more efficacious for you to fight with courage.Synonyms – effective, sound, valid

(3) Vindicate – to justify, uphold, clear somebody of suspicion. The Supreme Court vindicated the Labour’s Union demand and sought Government clarification on the issue. Synonyms – justify, uphold

(4) Inveigle – to cajole, beguile. Suppose you go to the used car showroom to purchase a car. The shopkeeper persuades you to purchase a used car telling that this car is very nice and engines are in very good condition, however, he knows that car is not in good condition. So, the shopkeeper inveigled you. Synonyms – entice, beguile, cajole, lure

(5) Lugubrious – full of sorrow, mournful. After listening the bad harvest prediction this year, he gave a lugubrious expression.Synonyms – doleful, mournful, melancholy     

(6) Obdurate – stubborn, refuse to change in any way. We tried our all pressure tactics, but he remained obdurate. Synonyms – mulish, inflexible, obstinate, bolshie.

(7) Propensity – tendency to do undesirable. Even at being a political leader, he has a propensity to exaggerate. Synonyms – penchant, tendency, predisposition, proclivity, bias.  

(8) Imperious – proud and expecting obedience. His imperious look shows that how much cruel he is? Synonyms – domineering, dictatorial, despotic, tyrannical.

(9) Intrepid – brave, without fear. He crossed the river like an intrepid swimmer. Synonyms – doughty, unawed, valiant.

(10) Tenacity – keeping firm hold on a course of action. Whatever may be the result, we have to bat with skill and tenacity – the captain to teammates. Synonyms – retentiveness, pertinacity, doggedness, gumminess, obstinacy, viscidity, glutinousness.

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