Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This set contains 25 objective questions. Answer all questions and write your answer in a balnk paper. Submit the answer in your post against the question  .  (Time limit = 15 Min.)
Direction (Q. 1-5):- choose the option closest in the meaning to the word in capitals.
(a)    Excitement
(b)    Dislike
(c)    Requirement
(d)    Imitation
(a)    Fortified
(b)    Gratified
(c)    Proud
(d)    Hindrance
(a)    Masculine
(b)    Belittle
(c)    Superficial
(d)    Agreeable
(a)    Gentle
(b)    Honest
(c)    Protagonist
(d)    Ridiculous
(a)    Tolerant
(b)    Escape
(c)    Fearless
(d)    Coward

Direction (Q. 6-10):- choose the option opposite in the meaning to the word in capitals.

6.    SCANTY
(a)    Scare
(b)    Ample
(c)    Adore
(d)    Addict
(a)    Catabolism
(b)    Autism
(c)    Venom
(d)    Hidden

8.    ALLY

(a)    Aide
(b)    Supporter
(c)    Opponent
(d)    Reliable
(a)    Lucidity
(b)    Authentic
(c)    Anguish
(d)    Adore
(a)    Addict
(b)    Teetotaler
(c)    Venom
(d)    Disgusting
Direction (Q. 11-13):- choose the correct analogy to the word in capitals.
11.    EAT: GORGE:
(a)    Saunter : walk
(b)    Drink : guzzle
(c)    Drink : sleep
(d)    Sit : sing
12.    FICKLE : STABLE ::
(a)    Stroke : feel
(b)    Impulsive : considered
(c)    Gyrate :twist
(d)    Light : radiance
(a)    Duke : duchess
(b)    Cow : calf
(c)    Eat : drink
(d)    Girl: girlfriend
Direction (Q. 14-20):- pick the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blanks to complete sentence.
14.    _______ I not informed you about this, you would have missed the oppurtnity.
(a)    If
(b)    Provided
(c)    Unless
(d)    Had
(e)    Have
15.    Many with_____ I have shared my thoughts have sown initial surprise.
(a)    Whom
(b)    Who
(c)    Which
(d)    That
(e)    Me
16.    Our present_____towards environment contrasts sharply with our historical reverence for nature.
(a)    Apathy
(b)    State
(c)    Appeal
(d)    Disposition
17.    If she ___ to decide to go to a B-School, one would recommend that to go to IIMs.
(a)    Was
(b)    Has
(c)    Were
(d)    Had
18.    Because of his leg injury, Rohan _______able to and possibly never will be able to pickup the ball again.
(a)    Has not been
(b)    Has been not
(c)    Has not
19.    _____ I think that my mother will be here any time, I cannot wait much longer for her to arrive.
(a)    However
(b)    Although
(c)    Until
(d)    Since
20.    The most encouraging fact is that change of mindset is spreading ______the country and reaching villages and small towns.
(a)    From
(b)    Across
(c)    Over
(d)    Among
Direction (Q. 21-25):- choose the correct option to fill up the following sentences.

         The meeting on the INSTC, which ended here 21 Monday, proposed a joint venture among countries. All countries were afraid 22 second economic crisis. During the period of election, the investigating agencies had not produced any credible evidence 23 her son and yet  arrested him in the 24 of the election compaign. The enquiry 25 this issue was not conducted properly and the trial has been done in unfair manner.

         21.    (a)    at   (b)    on   (c)    over   (d)    during
         22.    (a)    of   (b)    due to    (c)     because     (d)    over
         23.   (a)    about   (b)    on  (c)    against   (d)    of
         24.    (a)    against    (b)    middle   (c)     between    (d)    midst
         25.    (a)    over      (b)    of    (c)    on    (d)    at

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