Monday, January 06, 2014


1. The involvement of financial intermediary in aiding credit creation without regulatory oversight is called…….
1) Virtual banking           2) Common banking                   3) Unit banking              4) Shadow banking      5) None of above

2. As per the promise given to World Trade Organization earlier, India should allow how many branches of foreign banks in India per year?
1) 12                             2) 24                             3) 45                             4) 15                 5) 20

3. The Reserve Bank of India had given statement relating to the growth of bank deposits and credit of 2012-13 given. Pick the correct statement.
1) Banks have recorded credit and deposit growth of 14 percent each in 2012-13.
2) RBI had projected credit and deposit growth of 16 percent and 15 percent during the same period.
3) It means banks had shown the credit grow by Rs.6,76,176 crore and deposit grow by Rs.8,65,208 crore.
4) Credit demand was sluggish due to slowdown in the economy and Deposits accretion also was impacted as inflation - adjusted returns were negative due to high inflation.
5) All of above

4. First breast milk bank inaugurated on 7 August 2013 at......
1) Kochi                       2) Chennai                     3) Hubli                         4) Goa              5) Bhopal

6. On 4 September 2013, Raghuram announced constitution of a panel to strengthen monetary policy framework headed by 
1) K.C.Chakravarthy                   2) Anand Sinha              3) H.R.Khan                  4) Subba Rao                5) Urjith Patel

7. ...... heads the panel to take a close look at rising NPAs and suggest steps to improve the recovery of bad debts as announced by RBI on 4 September 2013?
1) H.R.Khan                  2) Anand Sinha              3) K.C.Chakravarthy                 4) Urjith Patel                5) Syamala Gopinath

8. Raghuram Rajan announced the setting up of an outside panel of experts to screen applications for new bank licenses under the headship of.....?
1) Subba Rao                2) Kelkar                       3) Bimal Jalan              4) Rangarajan                            5) None

9. .....became the first state to disburse salary of its staff through their Aadhaar-linked bank accounts as declared on 7 August 2013?
1) AP                            2) Maharashtra             3) Goa                          4) Tamil Nadu                            5) MP

10. How many banks taken as share holders to widen the shareholding of National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)?
1) 21 banks                   2) 44 banks                   3) 49 banks                   4) 55 banks                               5) 64 banks

11. A method of paperless banking to augment environment conservation through paperless banking transactions, which are also faster than conventional transactions, is called....?
1) Green Banking Channel       2) Red Banking Channel 3) White Banking Channel          4) Black Banking Channel
5) All of above

12. e-Gift card facility first time is introduced by...
1) Andhra Bank 2) Kotak Mahendra Bank                        3) Allahabad bank                      4) UBI   5) Axis bank

13. RBI asked banks to link the disbursal of home loans to ...... on 3 September 2013, as it advised the banks not to go for the upfront disbursal of loans.
1) Value of Market loan                           2) route map of construction place           3) stages of construction
4) HDFC rules of loan disbursal               5) None of above

14. To help mutual funds, how much fund borrowing window opened by the RBI recently?
1) Rs.15,000 cr              2) Rs.1500 cr                 3) Rs.75,000 cr              4) Rs.8000 cr                 5) Rs.25,000 cr

15. On which day Indian rupee had shown the lowest value of 68.80 against dollar?
1) 20 August 2013          2) 1 September 2013      3) 11 August 2013          4) 31 July 2013              5) 28 August 2013

16. Senior citizens can invest up to ____ now under Senior Citizens Saving Scheme.
1) 5 lacs            2) 10 lacs          3) 15 lacs          ) 20 lacs            5) 25 lacs

17. Vijaya Bank has its headquarters at_____
1) Bangalore                2) Hyderabad     3) Mumbai                     4) Vishakhapatnam        5) Mysore

18. DAX 30 is the stock exchange of which country?
1) Germany      2) Japan            3) America                    4) India  5) Bangladesh

19. State Bank of India opened its 15000th branch in which state?
1) Haryana        2) Uttar Pradesh            3) Tamil Nadu              4) Karnataka                  5) None of these

       20. What is current coverage of bank account of population (approx)?
(1)  60%            (2) 80%             (3) 40%             (4) 50% (5) None of these

21. Financial assistance for a sum of Rs. 5,000 can be called as
(1)  Small finance           (2) Micro finance          (3) Crazy finance            (4) Petty finance            (5) None of these
22. Which of the following is not a contributing factor to micro credits?
(1)  EMI             (2) Collaterals  (3) KYC norms               (4) Pre-payment charges            (5) All of the above

23. Which of the following is a third party product often sold by banks?
(1)  Gift cheques            (2) Credit cards              (3) Debit cards               (4) Mutual funds           (5) All of the above

24. Fixed Deposit in a commercial bank can be done for a maximum period of
(1)  15 yrs                     (2) 25 yrs                      (3) 10 yrs                      (4) No limit                    (5) None of these

25. A scheduled bank must be
(1)  A corporative or company incorporated by any law in force in any place in India
(2)  An institution notified by GOI
(3)   A company as defined by companies act, 2013
(4)  All of the above
(5)  None of these

26. The co-operative bank is governed by the banking regulation Act 1949 and co-operative societies Act of
(1)  1962                       (2) 1963                        (3) 1960                        (4) 1969                        (5) 1965

27. Expand HDFC Bank
(1)  Housing Development Finance Co-operative Bank                   (2) Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank
(3)  Housing Development Finance Capitalization Bank                  (4) Housing Development Financial Corporation Bank
(5)  None of these

28.  KYC policy has been actually innovated by
(1)  Fed Reserve of USA (2) Basel committee                 (3) RBI              (4) GOI, Ministry of Finance
(5)  None of these

29. ____ is the process of accumulation of interest or money.
(1)  Accretion                 (2) Amortization             (3) Accrual                   (4) Arbitrage                  (5) None of these

30.______ is a cheque or an act or rather an amount of cheque, which is above the balance available in the account of the payer.
(1)  Overdraft                  (2) Cross cheque           (3) Cross selling (4) pen end                    (5) None of these

31. The standard rate at which the RBI buys or rediscount bills of exchange and other commercial paper eligible for purchase under RBI act, is known as _____
(1)  Base rate                (2) Repo rate                 (3) Bank rate                (4) Reverse repo rate      (5) None of these

32. The minting of Rs. 10 coin is governed by ______
(1)  Banking regulation act, 1949             (2) coinage act, 1946      (3) coinage act, 1906    (4) RBI act, 2011
(5)  None of these

33.  Which of the following is related to microfinance?

(1) Bimal Jalan committee          (2) S Sen committee                  (3) Narsimhan Committee           (4) Malegam committee
(5) All of above

34.  Who is the Chairman of the committee set up to scrutinize applications for new Bank licenses?
      1) Usha Thorat        2) Bimal Jalan                  3) C B Bhave               4) S Damodaran              5) None of the above
35.    RBI on October, 7th 2013, has reduced Marginal Standing Facility(MSF) rate from 9.5% to 9% to improve liquidity in the
           system. What is MSF?           
     1)    MSF rate is the rate at which banks lodge funds overnight with RBI buying approved government securities.
     2)    MSF rate is the rate at which banks borrow funds overnight from other banks against approved government securities  
     3)    MSF rate is the rate at which banks borrow funds overnight from RBI against approved government securities.
     4)    MSF rate is the minimum rate at which banks lend to the borrowers.
     5)    None of the above
35.   What is NOT true with regard to 'Carbon Credit'?
     1)    It is a tradable certificate or permit.
     2)    It represents the right of an Industry to emit certain quantity of Carbon Dioxide.
     3)    Carbon Credits mechanism was formalized in Kyoto Protocol.
     4)    Carbon Credits are currently traded on 5 exchanges across the globe.
     5)    None of the above.
36.   Ben Bernanke is the Chairman of Federal Reserve. What is Federal Reserve?
    1) Central Bank of UK     2) Financial wing of the World Bank                     3) Central Bank of USA
    4) European Union Central Bank                          5) None of the above
37.    The minimum rate of Interest charged by a Bank from Customers on the loans is?
    1) Base Rate                2) Bank Rate     3) Prime Rate                4) Prime Lending Rate    5) None of the above
38.   IRDA headquarters located in which City?
    1) Mumbai                     2) Bangalore      3) Hyderabad               4) Chennai                     5) None of the above
39.   RAND is the currency of
    1) China                        2) Japan            3) North Korea            4) South Africa               5) None of the above
40.  Food Security Bill is recently passed by Parliament. What does the Food Security Bill intend to achieve?
    1)    At least 3kg of food grains per person per month to be given to general category households, at prices not exceeding        50% of Minimum Support Price.
    2)    Up to 75% of the rural population and up to 50% of urban population are to be covered under Targeted Public Distribution System.
    3)    Children aged six months to 14 years would get take-home ration or hot cooked food.
    4)    The oldest adult woman in each house would be considered the head of that household when issuing the ration card.
    5)    All of the above
41.  FIPB stands for?
    1)    Foreign Investment and Production Board      2)    Foreign Investment and Promotion Board
    3)    Foreign Investment and Promotion Bureau     4)    Foreign Investment and Protection Board
    5)    None of the above

42.    In India, Capital Markets are regulated by?
    1)    Securities and Exchange Board of India              2)    Reserve Bank of India
    3)    State Bank of India                                                  4)    International Monetary Fund
    5)    None of the above
43.    Recently RBI took several steps to control Rupee depreciation. Due to Rupee depreciation_____
    1) Exports become costlier         2) Imports become costlier                  3) Imports become cheaper
    4) Both (a)&(c)                           5) None of the above
44.    India's CAD was 4.8% of GDP in 2012-13. CAD means?
    1) Current Amount Deficit            2) Current Account Deficit                    3) Current Asst Debt
    4) Common Account Deficit        5) None of the above
45.  Which of the following is NOT matched?
    1)  C B Bhave – SEBI                 2)  Rangarajan - Planning Commission           3)  Raghuram Rajan - RBI
    4)  T S Vijayan – IRDA               5)  Yogesh Agarwal – PFRDA
46. Nachiket Mor appointed as the head to assess the approach to financial inclusion by ...
1) SEBI             2) GOI                   3) WTO                     4) RBI               5) World Bank
48. On 2 September 2013, which bank became the first bank to translate financial literacy curriculum into Gujarati?
1) ICICI 2) SBI                  3) Indian bank             4) UBI               5) Axis Bank
49. RRBs are refinanced at
(a)  1% below bank rate                (b)  2% below bank rate                     (c)  3% below bank rate
(d)  4% below bank rate                (e)  None of these
50. RRBs are owned by
(a)  State governments                 (b)  Central government             (c)  Sponsor bank
(d)  All of the above                   (e)  None of these



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