Thursday, December 26, 2013

General Awareness Practice Questions

1. Recently who received the Mahatma Gandhi International Award for Peace and Reconciliation?
1) Angela Merkel of Germany
2) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia
3) Brigalia Bam of South Africa
4) Azim Premji of India
5) None of above

2. Loans to poor people by banks have many limitations including lack of security and high operating cost. So to help them which type of finance system developed?
1) Ponzi schemes
2) Micro Finance System
3) Money Laundering Schemes
4) Money tampering finance
5) Super vision Finance

3. The following statements are related to Micro Finance system. Locate the wrong option.
1) It provides micro credit having scope for small savings and remittance of funds
2) It based on the principle of livelihood creation
3) The livelihood mission means engaging in activities in a routine fashion to generate cash or non-cash income
4) High volumes of low transactions done through this system
5) None

4. Who introduced the concept of Microfinance in Bangladesh in the form of the "Grameen Bank"? He is the Nobel laureate known by many as the "father of microfinance systems''.
1) C.D.Deshmuck
2) Amartya Sen
3) Muhammad Yunus
 4) Sheik Hassena
5) Muzibaer Rehman

5. The beneficiaries of Micro finance business is?
1) Land less labour
2) Marginal farmers
3) Vendors in the small markets
4) Hawkers
5) All of above

6. Salustiano Sanchez is the?
1) Highest goal maker in SAAF foot ball contest
2) First pilot of C-17 transport aircraft carrier
3) Japan prime minister visiting USA for Arms Reduction Talks
4) World oldest man recently died
5) None

7. The Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) differ from one another in terms of?
1) Product offering
2) Loan repayment structure
3) Product offerings
4) Legal structure
5) All of above

8. Indian Micro Finance Institutes (MFI) usually adopt the group-based lending models, which are of two types, SHG model and JLG model. SHG means Self Help Group and JLG means?
1) Joint Liability Game
2) Josh Liability Group
3) Joint Loan Group
4) Joint Liability Group
5) None

9. To control high rate interest rates, coercive collections and illegal insurance practices by the Micro Finance Institutes, Andhra Pradesh government passed Andhra Pradesh Microfinance Institutions (Regulation of Money Lending) Act in?
1) 2013
2) 2005
3) 2007
4) 2009
5) 2011

10. In the Not-For-profit Micro Finance Institutes, which among the following are included?
1) Societies
2) Public Trusts
3) Non-profit companies
4) All of above
5) None

11. One of the delivery channel for Micro Finance is SHG model. SHG means?
1) Soar Help Group
2) Sake Help Group
3) Self Hope Group
4) Store Help Group
5) Self Help Group

12. Co-operatives registered under state or National Acts and MACS come under Mutual benefit MFIs. MACS means?
1) Moral-Aided Co-operative Societies
2) Mint-Aided Co-operative Societies
3) Mutually-Aided Co-operative Societies
4) Mutually-Aided Co-ordinate Societies
5) None

13. Non-banking financial companies, producer companies and LAB come under the category of For-Profit -MFIs. LAB means?
1) Loan Area Banks
2) Legal Area Banks
3) Local Axis Banks
4) Local Area Banks
5) None

14. SKS Microfinance Ltd, the only listed micro lender in the country founded by?
1) Sudipa Sen
2) M.B.N.Rao
3) Kunal Ghosh
4) Vikram Akula
5) None

15. Who launched an 'India Microfinance Platform', a portal on microfinance activities across the country, with the assistance of World bank funds on 28 June 2013?
1) SBI
4) Exim Bank

16. SIDBI related statements are given. Pick the wrong statement.
1) SIDBI means Small Industries Development Bank of India
2) It was established on April 2, 1990
3) It is the principal financial institution for the promotion, financing and development of industry in the small scale sector
4) Its head office is in Hyderabad
5) None

17. Chairman of SIDBI is?
1) S.K.Roy
2) T.C.A. Ranganathan
3) Sushil Muhnot
4) U.K.Sinha
5) Rahul Khullar

18. Which committee has recommended creation of a separate category of NBFCs operating in the microfinance sector to be designated as NBFC-MFIs (Non-Banking Finance Company - Micro Finance Institutes)?
1) C. Ranga Rajan
2) Chandra Sekhar
3) Y. H. Malegam
4) Tarapore
5) R.K. Sundaram

19. Recommendations of Malegam committee on Micro Finance Sector do not include ...
1) MFI should not charge more than 24 % of its disbursed loans.
2) Processing fee on the loan amount must not be more than 1%.
3) margin of interest to be not more than 20 percent.
4) MFIs should lend to an individual borrower only as a member of a JLG and should have the responsibility of ensuring that the borrower is not a member of another JLG.
5) Bank advances to MFIs should continue to enjoy 'priority sector lending' status.

20. On 9 October 2013 RBI announced set up a Technical Committee under the chairman ship of ............ to examine the feasibility of encrypted SMS-based fund transfers.
1) Anand Sinha
2) Raghu Ram Rajan
3) Urjith Patel
4) Pandu Ranga
5) Sambamurthy

21. State Bank of India first woman Chair person is?
1) Shubhalakshmi Panse
2) Chanda Kocchar
3) Nainal Lal Kidwai
4) Arundhati Bhattacharya
5) None

22. In order to invite more foreign exchange, the government of India intends to allow the banks to offer ......... as declared on 30 September 2013.
1) overburdened bonds
2) roll chunk bonds
3) euro facilitation bonds
4) quasi-sovereign bonds
5) None

23. Which member of the world bank group launched the Indian rupee denominated bond, may be the first step towards internationalization of the Indian currency?
2) IDA
3) IFC
5) IMF

24. On 3 October 2013, CCEA approved the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) for reforming .........
1) Primary education
2) Mid school education
3) Technical education
4) Distance education
5) Higher education

25. Details of current account deficit (CAD) given. Pick the wrong option.
1) CAD of first quarter of 2013-14 registered at 4.9 per cent of GDP.
2) High imports of gold and oil largely led to a worsening of the deficit.
3) 4.4 % CAD registered in the corresponding Q 1 of the previous financial year.
4) By 2014-15, CAD will be reduced to 3.0% as per the statement of FM in the Budget 2013-14.
5) None

26. On 17 September 2013, the Customs Duty on Articles of Jewellery and of Goldsmiths' or Silversmiths' Wares revised from 10 % to ...
1) 36 %
2) 24 %
3) 20%
4) 18%
5) 15%

27. FIU has begun a probe into the transactions of investors and owners of crisis-ridden National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL). FIU means?
1) Financial Intelligence Unit
2) Financial Insurance Unit
3) First Intelligence Unit
4) Financial Inject Unit
5) None

28. National Spot Exchange Limited promoted by?
1) Rana Kapoor
2) Chanda Kochhar
3) Raja Promod
4) Jignesh Sha
5) None

29. New class of Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI) regulations given by SEBI on 5 Oct 2013. Locate the wrong option.
1) KYC (Know Your Client) requirements and other registration procedures would be much simpler for FPIs compared to current practices.
2) SEBI grants permanent registration to them compare to current practice of granting approvals for one year or five years.
3) All existing FIIs (Foreign Institutional Investors) their Sub Accounts and QFI (Qualified Foreign Investors) will be eventually merged into this new investor class to be known as FPIs.
4) FPI not allowed from USA.
5) FPIs would be allowed to invest across a host of the capital market segments, including in shares, debentures, warrants, mutual funds, collective investment schemes, derivatives, treasury bills and government securities.

30. Who is the Chairman of Competition Commission of India?
1) K.Subramanyam
2) D.Subba Rao
3) Ashok Chawla
4) U.K.Sinha
5) Yogesh Agarwal

31. Annual Plenary Meetings of IMF and World Bank on 11th and 12th October, 2013 held at ........
1) Washington D.C
2) Rome
3) London
4) Paris
5) Manila

32. 11th India-ASEAN summit began in .......
1) Brunei
2) Indonesia
3) Japan
4) Singapore
5) Philippines

33. Which Indian Batsman was appointed as the brand ambassador of Border Security Force?
1) Sachin Tendulkar
2) Yuvraj Singh
3) Virat Kohli
4) V.V.S.Laxman
5) Sunil Gavaskar

34. Nobel Prize in Literature 2013 conferred on Alice Munro. She belongs to ........
1) Israel
2) Ireland
3) USA
4) Canada
5) UK

35. India and which country decided to observe year 2014 as the year of Friendly Exchanges?
1) Indonesia
2) Pakistan
3) France
4) China
5) Maldives

36. Which Chinese politician has been recently gets life sentence on graft charges?
1) Li Keqiang
2) Xi Jinping
3) Bo Xila
4) Zhang Dejiang
5) None

37. Which party got more seats in Northern Provincial Elections of Sri Lanka?
1) United Progressive Tamil Alliance (UPTA)
2) Liberation of Tamil Tigers Eelam (LTTE)
3) Tamil National Alliance (TNA)
4) United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA)
5) None

38. Who is the chairman of National Integration Council?
1) Loksabha Speaker
2) Rajyasabha Deputy Chairman
3) Prime Minister
4) Supreme Court Chief Justice
5) None

1-3, 2-2, 3-5, 4-3, 5-5, 6-4, 7-5, 8-4, 9-5, 10-4
11-5, 12-3, 13-4, 14-4, 15-3, 16-4, 17-3, 18-3, 19-3, 20-5
21-4, 22-4, 23-3, 24-5, 25-4, 26-5, 27-1, 28-4, 29-4, 30-3
31-1, 32-1, 33-3, 34-4, 35-4, 36-3, 37-3, 38-3

Friday, 11 October 2013


1.    The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Who is the Director General of WTO?
     a) Roberto Azevedo
     b) Christine Legarde
     c) Raghuram Rajan
     d) Oliver Ralph Kahn
     e) None of the above
 2.    RBI on October, 7th 2013, has reduced Marginal Standing Facility(MSF) rate from 9.5% to 9% to improve liquidity in the system. What is MSF?
     a)    MSF rate is the rate at which banks lodge funds overnight with RBI buying approved government securities.
     b)    MSF rate is the rate at which banks borrow funds overnight from other banks against approved government securities.
     c)    MSF rate is the rate at which banks borrow funds overnight from RBI against approved government securities.
     d)    MSF rate is the minimum rate at which banks lend to the borrowers.
     e) None of the above
 3.    Between 2007-08 to 2012-13,the value of Card spending rose to Rs.1.97 Lakh Crores. A raise in Cards spending indicates?
     a)    Transformation to 'Cashless Economy'
     b) Low inflation
     c) Raising incomes
     d) Falling prices
     e) None of the above
 4.    What is NOT true with regard to 'Carbon Credit'?
     a)    It is a tradable certificate or permit.
     b)    It represents the right of an Industry to emit certain quantity of Carbon Dioxide.
     c)    Carbon Credits mechanism was formalized in Kyoto Protocol.
     d)    Carbon Credits are currently traded on 5 exchanges across the globe.
     e) None of the above.
 5.    Arundhati Bhattacharya is in news recently. She is going to be?
     a)    1st woman Deputy Governor of RBI
     b)    1st woman Chair Person of SBI
     c)    1st woman Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission
     d)    1st woman Finance Secretary to Govt. of India
     e) None of the above
 6.    National Spot Exchange (NSEL) is the news for defaulting payments to investors. Who is the founder promoter of FT?
     a) Jignesh Shah
     b) Harshad Mehta
     c) Ketan Parekh    
     d) A K Telgi
     e) None of the above
 7.    Find the 'odd man out' of the following?
     a) Walmart      
     b) Tesco
     c) Carrefour    
     d) Big Bazar
     e) Ikea
 8.    One of the Primary functions of IMF is to provide short term capital assistance to member countries through SDR (Special Drawing Rights). What is NOT true about SDR?
     a) Currency code of SDR is XDR
     b)    SDR is the Unit of Account of IMF
     c)    Asian Development Bank (ADB) also uses SDR as its Currency
     d)    SDR can be exchanged only for US Dollar, British Pound, Euro & Japanese Yen
     e) None of the above
 9.    Main functions of Money?
     a) Medium of Exchange
     b) Unit of Account
     c) Store of Value
     d) Only 'a' and 'b' of the above
     e) 'a', 'b' & 'c' of the above
 10.    M/s XYZ company has got an order to supply Machinery to M/s ABC Co of Nigeria. Who has to get a Letter of Credit issued from a Bank?
     a)    M/s ABC since they are the importers
     b)    M/s XYZ since they are the exporters
     c)    Both since they are the parties to the agreement
     d)    RBI since they regulate the Foreign Trade in India
     e) None of the above
 11.    What is 'Packing Credit'?
     a)    Finance extended to Packing materials industry
     b)    Finance extended to an Importer to pack the goods imported
     c)    Finance extended to Warehouses for keeping the goods packages
     d)    Finance extended to an Exporter to meet the costs of buying and/ or making products to be exported
     e) None of the above
 12.    What is NOT true with regard to Currency Chests in India?
     a)    They are managed by different banks on behalf of RBI
     b)    Deposits in Currency Chests are taken into account for calculation of CRR(Cash Reserve Ratio)
     c)    Standard Chartered Bank a Foreign Bank also maintains Currency Chest
     d)    Coins are also stored in Currency Chests
     e) None of the above
 13.    Recently Parliament has pass-ed Companies Act 2013. What is NOT true with regard to some of the features of the Act?
     a)    An Individual can set up "One person Private Ltd Company"
     b)    An independent Director can hold 3 consecutive terms of 3 years
     c)    Listed Companies must have at least 1/3rd independent Directors
     d)    Prescribed Companies must have at least 1 woman Director on the Board
     e)    A Private Ltd Company can have a maximum of 200 members
 14.    What is 'Net Interest Margin' of a Bank?
     a)    Margin of Interest earned on Trading in Govt Securities
     b)    Difference between the Base Interest Rate and the Average Lending Rate
     c)    Difference between the interest income and the amount of interest paid out
     d)    Difference between Interest on Term Loans and Interest on Cash Credits
     e) None of the above
 15.    What is the World's largest functioning Oil Refinery?
     a)    Reliance Refinery in Jamnagar, Gujarat
     b)    IOC Refinery in Digboi, Assam
     c)    HPCL Mumbai Refinery
     d)    Paraguana Refinery, Venezuela
     e)    Exxon Mobil Refinery, Singapore
 16.    IIFCL (India Infrastructure Finance Co. Ltd) is wholly-owned Govt. of India Company. Who is selected to take over as the Chairman and Managing Director?
     a) C B Bhave    
     b) S B Nayar
     c) T S Vijayan
     d) Yogesh Agarwal
     e) None of the above
 17.    Till 30th June, 1955 State Bank of India(SBI) was known as?
     a) State Bank of British India
     b) Imperial Bank of India
     c) India Central Bank
     d) Central Bank of British India
     e) None of the above
 18. Where is the Asian Development Bank(ADB) located?
     a) Mumbai, India
     b) Hiroshima, Japan
     c) Shanghai, China
     d) Manila, Philippines
     e) Jakarta, Indonesia
 19.    Structured Financial Messa-ging System (SFMS) is a secure messaging standard developed to serve as a platform for intra-bank and inter-bank applications in India. Which of the following have interface with SFMS?
     a)    RTGS(Real Time Gross Settlement)
     b)    Negotiated Dealing System (NDS)
     c)    Security Settlement System (SSS)
     d) 'a' and 'c' of the above
     e) 'a', 'b' & 'c' of the above
 20.    Which Country is the largest producer of Tea in the world?
     a) India    
     b) Brazil
     c) Peoples Republic of China
     d) Srilanka    
     e) None of the above
 21.    Who is the CEO & MD of TCS(Tata Consultancy Servi-ces)?
     a) Cyrus Mistry    
     b) S Ramdorai
     c) N Chandrasekharan
     d) Ratan Tata        
     e) None of the above
 22.    Qualitative Credit Contro is one of the methods used by RBI to control credit. Which of the following is NOT a Qualitative Credit Control tool?
     a) Moral Suasion
     b) Marginal Requirement
     c) Rationing of Credit
     d) Bank Rate
     e) 'a' & 'd' of the above
 23.    Who is the Chairperson of 14th Finance Commission?
     a) Dr Yaga Venugopal Reddy
     b) Dr Vijay L Kelkar
     c) Dr C Rangarajan
     d) Dr Duvvuri Subbarao    
     e) None of the above
 24.    The 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) is approved by Union Cabinet on 4th October, 2012. The aims of the plan are?
     a) 8% average growth rate
     b) Reduce Poverty by 10% during the Plan
     c) Faster, Sustainable and More inclusive Growth
     d) All the 3 above
     e) None of the above
 25.    Which State is the largest producer of Cotton in India in the year 2012-13?
     a) Gujarat
     b) Maharashtra
     c) Andhra Pradesh
     d) Karnataka    
     e) Madhyapradesh
 26.    Who sets up the Bench Mark Interest Rate for Germany?
     a) German Central Bank
     b) Deutsche Bundes Bank
     c) European Central Bank(ECB)
     d) Deutsche Bank
     e) None of the above
 27.    What is India's Apex Tax body?
     a) CBDT    
     b) GAAR
     c) IT Department
     d) RBI    
    e) None of the above
 28.    FICCI is an Association of Business Organizations in India.  Who is the President of FICCI?
     a) Shikha Sharma
     b) Usha Thorat
     c) Naina Lal Kidwai
     d) Indra Nooyi
     e) None of the above
 29.    Banks in India are governed by BR Act 1949.  What does  'BR' stands for?
     a) Banks Registration
     b) Banking Re-organization
     c) Banking Regulation
     d) Banking Rights    
     e) None of the above
 30.    In India, Scheduled Commercial Banks are those Banks included?
     a)    In the 2nd Schedule of RBI Act 1934
     b)    In the 2nd Schedule of BR Act 1949
     c)    In the 2nd Schedule of NI Act 1881
     d)    In the 2nd Schedule of Companies Act 1956
     e) None of the above
 1.a         2.c      3.a       4.e      5.b      6.a     7.d       8.e      9.e    10.a
 11.d    12.e    13.b    14. c    15.a   16.b    17.b    18.d    19.e    20.c
 21.c    22.c    23.a    24.d    25.a     26.c    27.a    28.c    29.c    30.a

Monday, 7 October 2013


1.    Periodically Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reviews a few SLR norms. SLR stands for?
    a) Statutory Liquidity Ratio
    b) Statutory Liquidity Rate
    c) Statutory Liquidity Return
    d) Statutory Liquidity Repo
    e) None of the above

2.    In the recent months, Indian Rupee depreciated heavily against US Dollar. Rupee depreciation means?
    a)    Value of Rupee decreasing against a basket of currencies
    b)    Less number of Rupees per US Dollar
    c)    More number of Rupees per US Dollar
    d)    Less number of Dollars per Rupee
    e)    None of the above

3.    In India, Commodities Market is regulated by?
    a) Forward Market Commission
    b) Forward Market Committee
    c) Forward Market Corporation
    d) Forward Market Council
    e) None of the above

4.    Food Security Bill is recently passed by Parliament. What does the Food Security Bill intend to achieve?
    a)    At least 3kg of food grains per person per month to be given to general category households, at prices not exceeding 50% of Minimum Support Price.
    b)    Up to 75% of the rural population and up to 50% of urban population are to be covered under Targeted Public Distribution System.
    c)    Children aged six months to 14 years would get take-home ration or hot cooked food.
    d)    The oldest adult woman in each house would be considered the head of that household when issuing the ration card.
    e)    All of the above

5.    FIPB stands for?
    a)    Foreign Investment and Production Board
    b)    Foreign Investment and Promotion Board
    c)    Foreign Investment and Promotion Bureau
    d)    Foreign Investment and Protection Board
    e)    None of the above

6.    In India, Capital Markets are regulated by?
    a)    Securities and Exchange Board of India
    b)    Reserve Bank of India
    c)    State Bank of India
    d)    International Monetary Fund
    e)    None of the above

7.    RAND is the currency of ?
    a) China    b) Japan
    c) North Korea    d) South Africa
    e) None of the above

8.    Recently RBI took several steps to control Rupee depreciation. Due to Rupee depreciation?
    a) Exports become costlier
    b) Imports become costlier
    c) Imports become cheaper
    d) Both (a)&(c)
    e) None of the above

9.    India's GDP growth is slowing down. GDP means?
    a) Gross Domestic Product
    b) Gross Domestic Poverty
    c) Gross Demand Production
    d) Gross Demand Product
    e) None of the above

10.    Chakravarthy Rangarajan is?
    a)    Governor of Reserve Bank of India
    b)    Director of Securities and Exchange Board of India
    c)    Chairman of Prime Minister Economic Advisory Council
    d)    Chairman of State Bank of India
    e) None of the above

11.    International Monetary Fund (IMF) works to foster global monetary cooperation, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth. Who is the current managing director of IMF?
    a) Kaushik Basu
    b) Dr. Y V Reddy
    c) Jim Yong Kim
    d) Christine Lagarde
    e) None of the above

12.    Air-Asia India is the new proposed Airline in India. It tied up with the following Industrial group for its launch in India?
    a) TATAs    
    b) Reliance group
    c) Aditya Birla group
    d) Infosys    
    e) None of the above

13.    Raghuram Rajan became the 23rd RBI Governor on 5th September 2013. Whom did he succeed?
    a) Dr Y V Reddy
    b) D Subba Rao
    c) Bimal Jalan
    d) Dr Rangarajan    
    e) None

14.    IRDA headquarters located in which City?
    a) Mumbai    
    b) Bangalore
    c) Hyderabad    
    d) Chennai
    e) None of the above

15.    Arundathi Battacharya was recently in the news. She is?
    a) Managing Director of SBI
    b) Chairman of Punjab National Bank
    c) CEO of ICICI Bank
    d) CEO of Axis Bank
    e) None of the above

16.    India's CAD was 4.8% of GDP in 2012-13. CAD means?
    a) Current Amount Deficit
    b) Current Account Deficit
    c) Current Asst Debt
    d) Common Account Deficit
    e) None of the above

17.    Which of the following is NOT matched?
    a) C B Bhave - SEBI
    b)    Rangarajan - Planning Commission
    c) Raghuram Rajan - RBI
    d) T S Vijayan - IRDA
    e) Yogesh Agarwal - PFRDA

18.    Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission?
    a) P. Chidambaram
    b) Monteksingh Ahluwalia
    c) Raghuram Rajan
    d) Manmohan Singh
    e) None of the above

19.    As per findings of the recent Raghuram Rajan Committee report which State is the most developed?
    a) Kerala    
    b) Goa
    c) Gujarat    
    d) Tamilnadu
    e) None of the above

20.    As per the insurance bill, 2013, Foreign Investors can hold up to?
    a)    51% of the capital in an Indian insurance company
    b)    39% of the capital in an Indian insurance company
    c)    49% of the capital in an Indian insurance company
    d)    29% of the capital in an Indian insurance company
    e) None of the above

21.    Statutory liquidity ratio(SLR) refers to the amount that the commercial banks require to maintain with RBI.
    What are the permitted SLR investments?
    a) Only Gold
    b)    Gold or Govt approved Securities
    c) Only Govt approved Securities
    d) Only Cash
    e) None of the above

22.    Direct Taxes Code (DTC) is intended to be introduced in the monsoon session of Parliament. DTC seeks to replace?
    a) Indian Contract Act
    b) Indirect Tax Act
    c) Income-Tax Act
    d) Banking Regulation Act
    e) None of the above

23.    In July 2013, RBI notified that Non-CTS Cheques are valid till the end of year 2013. CTS means?
    a) Cheque Truncation System
    b) Cheque Transaction System
    c) Cheque Transmission Service
    d) Cheque Transport Service
    e) None of the above

24.    In July 2013, SEBI Act was amended to curb Ponzi schemes. Ponzi Scheme means?
    a)    Name of a Mutual Fund Scheme to earn higher returns
    b)    Collective investment Schemes floated by fly by night operators
     c)    Name of a Bank Deposit Product
    d)    Name of a Health Insurance scheme
    e)    None of the above

25.    The minimum rate of Interest charged by a Bank from Customers on the loans is?
    a) Base Rate    
    b) Bank Rate
    c) Prime Rate
    d) Prime Lending Rate
    e) None of the above

26.    Which of the following is NOT true with regard to FCNR Accounts?
    a)    NRIs can open the Account
    b)    Can be opened in 'Permitted Currency' only
    c)    Minimum Term is 1 year
    d)    Maximum Term 5 years
    e) None of the above

27.    REPO rate means?
    a)    Rate at which the RBI will borrow from the banks
    b)    Rate at which banks will borrow from other banks
    c)    Rate at which the RBI lends to banks
    d)    Rate at which banks lend to customers
    e)    None of the above

28.    Fiscal Deficit Refers to?
    a)    The difference between the government's total expenditure and its total receipts (including borrowing)
    b)    The difference between the government's total expenditure and its total receipts (excluding borrowing)
    c)    The difference between the government's Tax collections and Salary payments
    d)    The difference between the government's Tax collections and government's Borrowings
    e)    None of the above

29.    "DAX" is the stock market in?
    a) Germany    
     b) USA
    c) France    
    d) Hongkong
    e) None of the above

30.    After retirement, Ratan Tata was made the Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons. Who succeeded Ratan Tata as Chairman of Tata Sons?
    a) Cyrus Mistry    
    b) Niira Radia
     c) Mukesh Ambani
    d) Nandan Nilekani
    e) None of the above

31.    Yellow Metal refers to?
    a) Copper    
    b) Silver
    c) Platinum    
    d) Gold
    e) None of the above

32.    Who is the Chairman of the committee set up to scrutinize applications for new Bank licenses?
    a) Usha Thorat    
    b) Bimal Jalan
    c) C B Bhave    
    d) S Damodaran
    e) None of the above

33.    Who is the World Bank President?
    a) Christine Legrade
    b) Jim Yong Kim
    c) Raghuram Rajan
    d) Monteksingh Ahluwalia
    e) None of the above

34.    Ben Bernanke is the Chairman of Federal Reserve. What is Federal Reserve?
    a)    Central Bank of UK
    b)    Financial wing of the World Bank
    c)    Central Bank of USA
    d)    European Union Central Bank
    e)    None of the above

1) a; 2) c; 3) a;  4) e;  5) b;  6) a; 7) d; 8) b; 9) a; 10) c; 
11) d; 12) a; 13) b; 14) c; 15) a; 16) b; 17) b; 18) d; 19) b; 20) c; 
21) b; 22) c; 23) a; 24) b; 25) a; 26) e; 27) c; 28) b; 29) a; 30) a; 
31) d; 32) b; 33) b; 34) c

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