Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Is customer really the king in India : GD topic
 according to my opinion customer is not king, there are a lot companies which are less value products which are being sold at high prices all due to advertisement and product promotion, the customer is bounded in a network that it is very hard to figure out the reality of market and products, he is given misinformation about products through agents, newspapers, television. A lot of customer feel problems when they use the products so they go to file a case in consumer forums, companies seek profits so they focus on quantity not quality, so in my opinion customer is treated like a source of income only.
 Consumer in India is NOT [treated] as a king. They are in fact treated and looked upon like a piece of crap. There is no such thing as customer satisfaction in any business in India. Every business in India just wants to sell something to someone and soon as the transaction is made, he is no more needed by the Businesses.
Completely opposite is the western world. Here after eating almost entire sandwich if you go to the shop with a remaining last bite, stating it was not what you ordered, you get another one OR your money back! Try that in India. They will even deny the fact that you bought anything from them!
• Hi friends, I fully agree with all. Customer is really the king because if customer are not available then there is no existence of any business and any shop. All things are dependent on the customer and customer requirement. All the industry man and business men make their product according to customer need.
There is a proverb "the customer is called god for the shopkeeper ".
I would like to share an example with you firstly any product like toothpaste make then the product maker take the feedback to the customer about the product and next time they improve their product.
So at last I would like to conclude by saying that consumer is really the king of India.
• am fully agreed with this statement that the consumer in INDIA ia really king. He drives the market forces. For example, in sixties and seventies, there were two or three car manufacturers like Hindustan Motors & Fiat etc. Were ruling over the market. However, with the entry of new companies like Maruti Suzuki, Hundai, Honda and many more, those manufacturers are force to modified their products in accordance with the taste of the customers.
Every business house has one motive and that is to earn profit. They are spending lots of money to understand consumer choice and demand and accordingly they produces the gods. Before launching the product into the market, many research is being carried out to understand the demand of the customer. This itself proves the strength of customer which any organisation can not overlook. Today there are many products available in the market and the customer can easily switch over to the other product if he is not satisfied. The market is driven by the customers rather than producers.
However, in some of the cases where monopoly exists, the customers has no choice but to accept the product as supply by its manufacturers. However, due to globalization and entrance of MNCS & FRT in our Indian market, the extent of competition has increased considerably and now the customers have multiple choice.
If an organisation if failed to understand the needs of customers and failed to produce the product as per the demand of the market, it is definitely going to heart the main object of the organization i.e. to earn profit. Government has also passed the law for protection of the customer, which revels the importance of customer.
So in my opinion customer is really king, as customer will not change its demand but the company has to change its product according to the taste of the customers.

villages are our strength.
 I agree that villages are our strength.Why because villages are back bone of our country.
95% of our agriculture is from the villages.Indian villages are our strength why because all food items were coming from villages only.
So, all the people are depending on the villagers.
If there is no villagers, there is no people to live.
But our villagers are really suffering from some problems, like.
1. Proper water facility.
2. Sufficient hospitals.
3. No proper education.
4. Electricity.
Conclusion is villages are our strength but our villages are suffering from some problems we have to solve those problems for our beautiful villages.
 In my point of view villages are the strength of our country.
1) 70% area of India comes in rural area.
2) In our country GDP (gross domestic product) its participation is high because of agriculture.
3) It also increases the economy of our country. In our country some places are very effective in producing grains like Punjab, Assam etc.
4) Villages are also famous for natural resources. Eg- Dhanbad in Ranchi, Jharkhand famous for coal mines.
If the government concentrate on rural areas then India is become developed country.
 I partially agree with the comments mentioned above, according to me villages are the real backbone of our country for example the food we are having today is just because of the people who worked hard in their farms just to serve the Nation. Literally they earn money for that but the amount they are earning is just not enough for their needs, they have been ignored by the govt by not providing the proper facilities to them, like the Universities, Hospitals, Roads, Electricity, etc.
Just because of this village people the business man who are earning a lot of income through exporting the grains and fruits which have been grown by the villagers.
 India is a land of villages. There are total 593732 villages and 5161 towns in India. It is true that India needs more advanced villages than a handful of cities. Villages help in the growth of Indian economy. 90% people of India live in villages. All the villages are the centers of economy. Cost of infrastructure in towns is very much high but the cost of infrastructure in villages is quite low than the towns. If the economy of the villages is improved then it will affect the people and will also change the lifestyle of people. If the villagers grow more and more crops then there will be enough food to eat. Because of more production of food, food prices will go down. Villagers can make jute bags and sell them in neighboring towns and can earn livelihood. This will give employment to villagers. If more and more production will be there then economy will be better. Villages play a very crucial role in the development of Indian economy. Indian villages are not developing because political leaders are not willing to change the future of India. Large scale industries need a lot of money and time to be put up. Small industries can be easily set up by the VILLAGERS. Villagers should be given loans by the banks to set up and run a small scale industry. We can take the example of Gujarat. A small village in Gujarat has started amul milk production and they provide milk to whole India. Government has started NREGA, 2005 and PMRY to employ those people who are willing to work. Labor cost goes up because of big industries because these are unions. Villagers need better planning by the government. Government should give occasions to villagers to work. Villages can be developed in a very good way. Roads can be made in villages. If roads will be constructed in villages then hospitals, banks, schools etc. Can be opened. Villagers should be taught better methods of cultivation. They should be given information on weather, bio pesticides, pesticides, fertilizers, crops and soil. Government should be welfare government if India has to really improve and grow.
 I am agree with all of your points and I would like to add some more point, Rightly said that Villages are our strength. If we calculate more than 80% of population live in villages. And they are producing food grain for our nation. They contributed on GDP growth. Whole economic are based on villages.
If we talk about condition of village its very poor. They are not getting enough facilities which are provided by our government the reason behind it that most village are isolated, there is no road and transportation. That is biggest draw back of village are developing in any point of view whether its literacy, health, living standard.
So Villages are always our strength government need to focus and improvement on infrastrure.
rise of regional blocks threatens our nation
 Creation of regional block implies carving out an area out of the country based on the culture of the people of that area, the languages they speak and the customs they follow.
India is a secular country and is known all over the world for its varied culture, customs, etc. It is this unity among the Indians that separate the country from the rest of the world.
Dividing India into regional blocks would certainly hamper the very preamble of our constitution which talks about national integrity. New states may face numerous problems of terrorism, water, electricity distribution, etc.
The political parties supporting creation of separate states on the basis of religion, etc. Actually have selfish motive. They are following the policy of divide and rule which, as history testifies has had a demeaning effect on the Indians.
Having said that, we cannot ignore the fact that there may be certain groups within a state which might feel that their interests is not significantly represented. For example, the Gorkhas in northern West Bengal are demanding a separate state based on this very argument. However, rather than dividing the state, the government might come out with better prospects.
One such measure may be to take steps to improve quality of living of such people, provide them better education, healthcare, etc. Besides, as advocated by Subash Ghising (the leader of National Liberation Front for Gorkhland) , the particular regions can be given special status under schedule 6 of the Indian constitution. This would not only resolve the problem of the so called "neglected communities", but would also maintain the unity of the nation.
If the supporters of regional blocks can take every steps to create a separate state, they could also fight for improving the conditions of these communities, thus making them a part of our very own country "India".
 In recent times the feeling of regionalism is being infused by the politicians to harvest their selfish ambitions. The results have been catastrophic. Divided states like Jharkhand and Chattisgarh have naxalite presence, moreover the revenue of the state is affected, newly formed states have power, water sharing issues hence leading to more animosity between the people of the state than it was before. Hence regionalism should be strictly boycotted and a stringent laws should be passed making sure that non abiding politicians who promote regionalism face severe punishment.
 do agree with the fact that regional blocs threaten nation like India.
-Firstly there must be a clear knowledge about region & religion.
-Secondly in an independent nation unity is what should prevail.
-Thirdly regional blocs might unite a region or two but our unity as an Indian takes a back seat.
-Fourthly its regional blocs which is the cause behind the economic difference between states.
-It was this regional blocs which led to the north-eastern indian running away from west south states.
Therefore in my opinion India should be looked Upon as a country & regional blocks should not be allowed to creep in.
It is unity as a country which makes one feel like home & not blocs.
 Regional block is good if it is use in positively. If there is not any regional block then we will fail to save culture and heritage. For example I am from non-Hindi speaking state so it is my duty to save our mother tongue and use it as much as possible Because Indian government is imposing Hindi on us. It is very difficult to develop equally in a large country like India. If there is any regional block to deal this issue then we should support it for the interest of our nation. Because our body can not work properly if you do not take care of any part of the body.
 Rise or regional block is threatened only if it happens negatively. A regional growth can lead to competition and over all development of state.
Central government sometime over look the state developments so its here regional development can play a good role.
India is huge country so working smoothly of a country as whole gets difficult. Where as if its decentralized and taken as a block d progress becomes easier.
Imagine you have to run a company as whole it will be difficult for you to do everything alone. But if you divide and delegate work in proper way it mite get easier.
 Yes I agree that it is a threat and that also very much specific to India. To begin with we need to keep it in mind that being a multi-regional country somewhere or the other it was on the card. Coming to the question of threat, it will make the country weaker than ever. If we consider the time of our independence there also we got divided in two regions hence two independent nations were born- India Pakistan. And now we can see all these troubles is being caused because of that.
The more regional division means more groups to fight among themselves which ultimately deprive the country from peace and progress, as the saying goes "United we stand divided we fall".
To wrap up I would say that this is not IPL that we can enjoy the healthy competition, this is something involves our very own nation and its future. Regional blocks can create new problems only and to make out solution we have to work as a nation.
A Borderless world : A myth or a reality
 A border less world would be a totally different world. It would change economics, politics and society as we know it. We as humans have, for centuries, lived within boundaries. To have that thing wiped out would mean massive destabilization of a lot of things. Its always going to remain a pipe dream. Changing world order is not something a group of people can work out. And it would be a governance nightmare, if it ever were to become a reality.
Relaxing borders is definitely possible but that would take a serious amount of goodwill and honesty from world leaders, which is easier said than done. Every country has its agenda and self-centered policies and every country would safeguard its interests first before even thinking about anyone else. A border less world is never going to happen, although the idealists in us will keep dreaming of it.
 Well, borderless world is a myth...it can't be possible...if a borderless world exist, it will lead to a great war...inside and outside...by inside I mean the pshycology of humans and b'coz of it, outside war will be there.....
let me explain this, assume we have a borderless world, means anyone can go everywhere, interaction is there....some will be positive some will be negative....according to pshcology, we humans beings like our space, we want our own sky,and if it is overrriden by another one, we become disturbed,we become tensed....we start fighting.....so if we have borderless world, results more intercation,,,,more aura over-riden cases...so more war...not peace...we know man is a social animal...even An animal urinates in its area to mark it, if its is over ridden by any alien thing , it gets angry...and starts a wars
 es it can be a reality if only all nations stop spending money on their armaments and concentrate towards the betterment of humanity. One of the greatest challenges will be to narrow the social,ethnic,religious and financial barrier. With the emergence of European Union and other such organization their is hope that future might hold the possibility of a "border less world". Again this can be possible only when we start to think of the general interest of the population. But the question is, what will it be like? will there be freedom or will it be an oligarchy?

Freshers are better than laterals
Points in Favour
• Fresh graduates come without any pre conceived notions about the organization and have fresh ideas to change things
• Laterals on the other hand have a "this is how thing work here" kind of attitude and are apprehensive of changing broken things. They tackle ideas in a routine way.
• Freshers come with more energy, enthusiasm and are self motivated to do big.
• Freshers are also not demanding in terms of huge salaries.
• Fresh minds also bring a lot of innovation to the organization, apart from the cheerful atmosphere they create in an otherwise boring office space.
Points Against
• A lot of time and money is spent in training graduates out of college.
• College experience is not a full proof way of judging a candidate's abilities and talents. Most students perform well in colleges but when it comes to practical applications, they might not be that well versed - a quality that makes a huge difference in the corporate world.
• Laterals on the other hand, always have some practical experience to show.
• Organizations have no way to find out how much of a graduate's certificates and laurels are true - a trend of faking which is increasingly taking ground these days. For experienced laterals, organizations have the option of carrying out rigorous backround checks which reveal everything about the candidate's past experience.
• Fresh graduates cannot be expected to take decisions critical for the organization.
• If the work is good, lateral hires can display as much energy and enthusiasm as a fresh graduate.
• An organization's talent pool should be a mix of fresh minds and experienced heads alike.
• While new thinking is required at all points, it is the experienced who can judge problematic situations better and also make sure that new ideas are truly new and not a failed implementation of an earlier idea itself.
• Entry  level work is always best performed by fresh graduates while the lateral hires are required for the higher levels of project management
               Who is better- A Manager by Degree or a Manager by Experience?
Manager by Experience
• A Manager has to lead a team and for this he needs to have practical exposure, an hands on dealing with a team of people. Learning through books doesn’t imprint that quality in him.
• Text books dont cover real life situations, but in real life a manager has to react on the basis of many other factors (which may or may not be related to human emotions). Many of these factors are not part of any textbook.
• In decision making, a manager has to be really quick and so his reaction time is tested under those situations. This cannot come without experience in dealing with such situations before.
Manager by Degree
• Management course covers many situations describing complex situations that can come and also provides a systematic approach on how to deal with them. This tried and tested approaches can help a manager when he faces a similar situation in the industry.
• To work in an industry, a manager is required to gain some skills also. Such skills do not always com through experience and can only be gained through specializing in those skills. That is where a management curriculum helps.
• Management Institutes use techniques of drama and role play in classroom which is a great way of learning real life problems in real time scenarios
Real time experience is always more important then the classroom studies. Nonetheless, there are few benefits of having gained some skills and knowledge thrugh a management curriculum when you face a real life problem in industry. The importance and benefits of systematic methods of learning employed in the course of a management degree can not be ignored.
RBI can not control inflation with its temporary monetary policies - Group Discussion
Group Discussion 06-27-2012 06:44 AM
RBI can not control inflation with its temporary monetary policies.

- Inflation is not a spontaneous reaction it builds up over time and is caused by various reasons, thus temporary policies to control inflation is not going to be effective.
- Temporary policies will contain it but will not eradicate the problem of inflation from its root.
- Controlling inflation with its temporary monetary policies will result in deterioration of growth and development.
- Temporary monetary policies would result in moderation of inflation over time but it will still remain above tolerance level.
- There are various concerns over the fiscal deficit; the current account deficit and deteriorating asset quality loom large.
- The food inflation has resulted in the rise of prices of fuel and other commodities which accentuated domestic inflationary pressures.
- The temporary policies have reduced the stress on the economic frailties that had restricted the growth somewhat.
- RBI has increased the repo rate or the rate at which it lends money to other banks which is one way to deal with inflation and has worked efficiently.
- Temporary policies that have been implied is due to the fact that supply shocks are temporary and they are the main reason driving inflation.
- It allows the bank and private sectors to adjust to the high interest rate gradually.
Need of censorship on social media - Group Discussion
- Certain pages can be seditious, defamatory to the institution of religion which is not accepted in the plural society.
- It won’t be good for the harmony of the country.
- Some of the social media which is put up on the internet is offensive either to people or to a nation, and thus, requires censoring.
- Various sites play host to materials which could bring about a rift in the society.
- It can be used for mass effects like, mass violence or creating mass chaos.
- There is a very thin line between censorship and obstruction of freedom of speech and expression.
- Laws and rules which are brought in the system should be followed which would not require the need for censorship.
- India is a democratic country and if they censor these social networks then they can hardly preach to dictators.
- There are many important services like rescue service, which rely on the social sites for real time information, not providing it may cost many lives.
- Social media should not be treated differently from the other forms of media like book or press. If they are not being censored then there is no need for censorship on social media.


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