Saturday, December 07, 2013

Important tips for Sentence Rearrangement in English
 Sentences that have full names mentioned are either the starting or come in the first few sentences of the paragraphs. 
  • Similarly, the sentences that have 'they', 'him' or 'her' or the short names would only come after the proper introduction of the person.
  • If there are pronouns like (it, this, that etc) in the sentence , then it simply means that they have already discussed about the subject. So in maximum cases it won't be the first sentence (I and You are exceptions for this rule). 
  • Sentences that begin with 'And', 'But' etc usually follow the central theme with an explanation to the same or give additional information. 
  • A central Theme around which the passage is framed. Identify the central theme, which is usually the first sentence. 
  • A logical sequence is present which usually describes the central theme.
  • In maximum cases Last sentence ends with some conclusion / statement.
Now lets have a look at an example with detailed explanation :

A.      Miss Sullivan arrived at the Keller home when Helen was seven.
B.      The deaf and blind Helen learned to communicate verbally.
C.      But, eventually, Miss Sullivan's effort was rewarded.
D.      Before Helen Keller was two years old, she lost her sight and her hearing.
E.       Miss Sullivan worked closely with Helen, her new student.
F.       At times the teacher became frustrated.

  • Upon reading the above paragraph, we come to see that in A, B, E, F, the names mentioned are short while in D, the full name is mentioned. Hence D is the first sentence. 
  • Next we see that Ms. Sullivan comes into the picture when Helen is seven years old and hence A is the second sentence
  • The paragraph revolves around Helen's learning and hence E states what joins Helen and Ms. Sullivan. 
  • Sentence F states that the teacher became frustrated at times which is followed by C (starts with 'But' which indicates that in spite of something Ms. Sullivan's efforts were rewarded). 
  • Sentence B follows stating how the  teacher's efforts were rewarded and is the conclusion to a set of events.
Now lets do some practice exercises :

Example 1 :
A.      This hill is called the Acro-polis
B.      In the city of Athens stands a rocky hill with a flat top
C.      Round the acropolis was the city itself
D.      On the top of the acropolis Percles built a beautiful temple

  1.  D, A, B, C
  2. A, B, C, D
  3. C, A, B, D
  4. B, A, C, D
  5. None of the above
Example 2 :

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE

A.      She has to be the complement of man
B.      I believe in the proper education of women
C.      She can run the race
D.      But she will not rise to the great heights she is capable of by mimicking man

  1.  C, A, B, D
  2. B, D, A, C
  3. B, C, D, A
  4. D, B, C, A
  5. None of these
Example 3 :
A.      But each one gets down when the train stops at his station
B.      We speak to them, share our food with them, share our joys and sorrows with them
C.      Life is like a journey by train
D.      During the journey we come across varieties of people                                                                    1. C, B, D, A
  1. C, D, B, A
  2. D, B, C, A
  3. D, A, C, B
  4. None of these
Example 4 :

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE

A.      The most important of all man’s inventions must be the invention of language
B.      Writing makes it possible for people to keep in touch with one another even if they are far away from one another
C.      The invention of writing should come next only to that
D.      And libraries which contain written records of the great minds are storehouses of knowledge

  1. A, B, D, C
  2. A, C, B, D
  3. D, B, A, C
  4. B, A, C, D
  5. None of these

A.      In every direction space is strewn with whole galaxies
B.      These galaxies are too faint to be seen with the naked eye
C.      Vast number can be seen with a powerful telescope
D.      Most of these galaxies are like our won

  1. A, D, B, C
  2. B, A, C, D
  3. C, D, B, A
  4. A, B, C, D
  5. None of these
1.  BACD
2.  BCDA
3   CDBA
4.  ACBD
5.  ABCD

Directions (1-5) : Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in proper sequence to from a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them. 

(A) He felt that his honest ways were responsible for the poverty and starvation of his family. 

(B) Sixteen miles away from Mysore, there is a dense forest. 

(C) He told them how his honesty was useless and asked if he should try an alternative. 

(D) They told him that they would prefer starving to dishonesty. 

(E) Once there lived a poor but hon¬est woodcutter in the forest. 

(F) So he wanted to discuss his feeling with his wife and children. 


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